Chapter 833
Of course, it's not completely unfounded for him to say this. Little Baozi's favorite food is meat, so it can be said that he loves meat.

Jun Ximo is worried that if this continues, the little bun will become a big fat man in the future.

Little Baozi's face was reddish, his eyes flickered, he lowered his head to look at his fleshy little hands, where is he fat?Daddy lied.

snort!Never talk to him again.

"I don't. I don't. Daddy is fat."

Jun Ximo: "..." Oh no, the little guy is angry.

Luo Xiyan quietly watched the interaction between the father and son, with a smile on her lips, and a hint of tenderness appeared on her delicate face.

"Is there no? There is obviously, and there will be in the future if there is no one now. There is no braised pork at noon today. I can make it for you... How about roasted eggs with tomatoes?"

Jun Ximo thought for a while, then leaned in front of Xiao Baozi and asked.

When Xiao Baozi heard Jun Ximo say that he couldn't eat meat anymore, and his braised pork was soaked in soup, he suddenly curled his mouth, as if he could cry immediately.

After hearing the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the sadness disappeared immediately.

He likes scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Although it is worse than meat...

The little bun tilted his head, looked at Jun Ximo who was carefully asking in front of him, and couldn't say anything bad, so he nodded in a strange way.

Gently patted Xiao Baozi's furry head twice with his warm palm, Jun Ximo's lips curled up slightly, and he said "Good boy" in front of Xiao Baozi, then got up from the ground and turned to leave.

Little Baozi's little face gradually turned red after Jun Ximo left, he threw himself into Luo Xiyan's arms, buried his little face deeply in Luo Xiyan's arms and refused to lift it up.

Although the little guy is not very old, he also knows how to be shy. Although Daddy treats him very well, it may be because of the child's nature that he always gets closer to Mommy.

He obediently stayed in Luo Xiyan's arms and refused to lift his head up. Luo Xiyan smiled helplessly, pulled Xiao Baozi's head several times but did not break free from her arms, and simply gave up.

After a while, Xiao Baozi felt that his face was not so hot, so he slowly raised his head. As soon as he raised his head, he bumped into a pair of teasing eyes. Mommy was laughing at him...

Little Baozi was stunned, and silently withdrew from Luo Xiyan's arms, crawled to the ground to find his own toys to play with.

"Baozi, your teacher called."

The little bun raised his head in a daze, and asked silently, what happened?

Luo Xiyan moved up to Xiao Baozi's face and kissed twice, and said slowly: "The teacher wanted to ask why you haven't come to class for so many days, and said that the children in the class miss you very much, but they don't have you contact information, so there is no way to call you."

Little Baozi remained silent, holding the toy in his hand quietly, wondering what he was thinking.

"Baozi, now that you have a small watch, you can call the children in the future. Is there anyone in particular you want to talk to?"

In the past few days, Xiao Baozi can only stay in the villa when he is out playing outside. She knows that although Xiao Baozi didn’t say anything, most children like to play with their friends. They are happier when they are with someone than by themselves many.

Little Baozi lowered her head and thought about something quietly, Luo Xiyan was not in a hurry, she quietly waited for his answer, and gently stroked her hair with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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