Chapter 842
Little Mozi wanted to handle the affairs of the Jun family by herself, all she could do was not to make trouble for him.

"Is everything ready for me?"

After a long time, when Ah San and Ah Wu thought that Jun Ximo would not speak again, Jun Ximo spoke slowly.

"Get ready, we have found everything we can find, and we have found what we can't find."

A malicious smile appeared on Ah San's face.

Jun Ximo turned a blind eye to the expressions on the faces of Ah San and Ah Wu, just nodded, then stood up and walked up to the second floor.

Ah San, Ah Wu, and Luo Xiyan greeted each other, then left.


At the same time, the Jun family.

Mrs. Jun was chatting with a lady over afternoon tea. Both of them were very well-known in the circle of ladies, so they couldn't do without those topics when chatting.

It’s nothing more than limited-edition bags, perfumes, lipsticks, and which store’s desserts are better, which ones have better-looking clothes that can show their status, and whether there are any new products from various jewelry stores...

They chatted and chatted, and they talked about the child.

That lady is the wife of the boss of a fairly well-known company in the imperial capital. Although her status is not as high as Mrs. Jun's, this is enough to show her dignity.

"Madam Jun, Your Young Master is not at home today?"

"No, kids, they're always a bit wild. No, I went out to find friends again."

When Mrs. Jun heard her mention her son, a proud expression appeared on her face, and she raised her head unconsciously.

"Mrs. Liang, where does Ling Qianjin go to school now?"

Mrs. Liang was fiddling with a teacup in her hand, with a smile on her face, "My precious daughter is studying abroad, and she will be back in a few days. She said that she will not leave in the future, and she wants to stay in China early, and she wants to take over her company as soon as possible.

There is no son in their family, only an only daughter, who has been pampered in her hands since she was a child.

He couldn't even bear to say a word.

As soon as her own daughter was mentioned, Mrs. Liang showed a proud look on her face. Seeing Mrs. Liang's appearance, Mrs. Jun couldn't help curling her lips, but she didn't say anything harsh.

"My family, Nan Nan, is not too young. She hasn't fallen in love yet, and I don't know when I will find a boyfriend to bring back."

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liang showed a worried look on her face.

Mrs. Jun's expression also became serious. It's good that she didn't mention it. After Mrs. Liang said this, she remembered that Jun Lingfeng is not too young now, and it's time to find a girlfriend.

I don't know what ecstasy potion that dead girl Luo Xiyan gave her son to make Jun Lingfeng look down on any woman.

Some time ago, if someone hadn't met Jun Lingfeng in a nightclub getting drunk, she wouldn't have known that his son was so promising, that he was so sad and decadent because of a woman.

It's all because of that bitch Luo Xiyan, I really don't know what's so good about that woman, she looks like a coquette, she knows how to seduce men all day long, but with Jun Ximo, that bitch doesn't even know Satisfied, but also wants to play Jun Lingfeng's idea.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jun felt that there was a fire in her heart, which could erupt at any time.

Madam Liang turned her head and was shocked when she saw the ferocious and crazy look on Madam Jun's face.

She thought she was wrong, so she reached out and rubbed her eyes, and then turned her head to look at it. She still had a hideous and terrifying face, without the elegance and intelligence of the past, only jealousy and resentment remained.

 Are you looking forward to an update?

  roar roar

  It's a pity that I didn't save the manuscript...Wow...

  I'm going to cry to death...

(End of this chapter)

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