Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 844 Emperor Night

Chapter 844 Emperor Night
Mrs. Jun's complexion turned white and blue, like a palette, so exciting.

Naturally, she didn't miss the schadenfreude on Mrs. Liang's face. Her heart seemed to be on fire, and she wanted to explode, but she also had to pay attention to her image, so she could only hold back.

"How come, of course I have received it, but I don't have time to go, so I refused."

Mrs. Jun forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and forced an ugly smile on that face.


"Of's true." Mrs. Jun's complexion could no longer be ugly, and her hands gradually tightened into fists.In my heart, I have scolded Jun Ximo many times.

"So that's how it is. Let me tell you, even a small company like ours has already received invitations, and you will definitely do the same. Besides, you are Young Master Mo's stepmother, so I will definitely give you face."

Mrs. Liang's words became more and more excited, and Mrs. Jun's face became more and more gloomy. She clenched her hands tightly, her nail clippers dug into her flesh, and left a few blood marks, but she still seemed unconscious.


"Ma'am, ma'am."

"What's the matter? Don't you know there are guests here? How do you usually teach you? What does it look like to be yelling?"

When Mrs. Jun heard the servant rushing in, still shouting, she felt depressed for a while.

"No ma'am, yes... yes..." The servant was too excited to speak, Madam Jun was very upset.

Impatiently, she wanted to drive the servant away, but before she could speak, she saw a tall and handsome man walking in at the door.

The man's peach blossom eyes shone brightly, and he was dressed in a well-tailored handmade suit, which made him tall and slender.

"Mr. Qi? You are Mr. Qi from Diye Group, aren't you?"

Mrs. Liang stood up suddenly and exclaimed.

Although she hasn't seen Qi Feng in real life yet, this man has appeared in various TV station magazines, so it's hard not to know him or not.

There is no way to do this. Jun Ximo never participates in any interviews, and even on the Internet, there is not even a single photo of his face, which shows how much he values ​​privacy.

But someone must come out to accept the interview. Unfortunately, Qi Feng is that shield.

Qi Feng said that he is very innocent, but in fact he also wants to be a low-key handsome man, okay?
But the reality is always contrary to the ideal, who made his face so rare.

Walking on the street every day, I can be called husband by many girls, and even want to take pictures with him.

Qi Feng stretched out his hand and touched his face. He also knew that his face was handsome and charming, but why were these two married women staring at him shamelessly?
Mrs. Jun was also shocked. She had never seen Qi Feng, but it didn't mean she hadn't heard of it.

Everyone knows that Qi Feng is the general manager of Diye. Since more than ten years ago, Diye has grown up at a lightning speed. Overtook Jun's.

The current strength and status are incomparable to the Jun family.

What he hates the most is...

Di Ye is the property of that bastard Jun Ximo. Over the years, she has exhausted all means, finding someone to add to Di Ye's obstacles, and even carried out many assassinations, but all failed. In the end, Di Ye came to where she is today—they Jun's unshakable position.

(End of this chapter)

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