Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 851 Put it on the tip of your heart

Chapter 851 Put it on the tip of your heart

Jun Lingfeng frowned invisibly, as if he didn't agree with what Mrs. Jun said just now, but surprisingly he didn't say anything to refute.

All his attention was attracted by the invitation in front of him, and he turned it over and over in his hand, but found nothing.

"Okay, you go to bed early, I'm leaving first, and you're calling me again."

Jun Lingfeng stood up and was about to leave. He just took two or three steps, and then turned back.

"If something happens tomorrow night, please let me know as soon as possible."

Perhaps because of doubts in his heart, Jun Lingfeng always had a feeling that the rain was about to come, but he felt that this feeling was just produced by his own imagination, so he didn't care.


On the other side, Luo Xiyan came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and saw Jun Ximo walking in with two big boxes in her arms.

"Little Mozi, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Yan Bao, come and take a look." Jun Ximo's handsome face still looks expressionless, but if you look carefully, you can see the corners of his lips are slightly raised, and his bottomless eyes are overflowing. tenderness.

Jun Ximo put the box in his hand on the bed, and Luo Xiyan opened it gently after walking over. Inside was a light blue evening dress. This dress was exactly the one Jun Ximo saw in E's shop. The one that was drawn by hand.

Luo Xiyan blinked her eyes, stared blankly at the clothes in the box, and did not move for a long time.

Jun Ximo frowned, "Don't you like Yan Bao?"

"No, I like it very much, I like it very much." Luo Xiyan recovered and realized that she had lost her mind just now.

What Xiao Mozi gave her was designed by himself, how could she not like it.

"Try it on?" The corner of the man's mouth did not disappear after Luo Xiyan said the word "like". There was a sweet smile on his face, and when he looked carefully, the base of his ears was still a little red.

But all Luo Xiyan's attention was on the light blue dress, so she missed these.

"Little Mozi, you don't want me to wear this dress to the banquet tomorrow night, do you?" Luo Xiyan opened her mouth wide and looked at Jun Ximo in shock.

This dress is beautiful... even she, who is considered to be a mid-to-high level in clothing design, can't help admiring, but... the letter "M" on the chest should not be too obvious.

Wearing it out like this... Luo Xiyan really can't imagine such a scene.

Jun Ximo guessed what Luo Xiyan was thinking, and that handsome face that was cut by a knife couldn't help but sink.

"Yan Bao doesn't want to wear it?"

"No, no, it's not that I don't want to wear it, it's this letter too obvious?"

Luo Xiyan was afraid that if she said something wrong, her little Mozi would be sad, but she had to say it, her little face was full of entanglement.

"Try it on." Jun Ximo handed the clothes to Luo Xiyan in a rare domineering manner, with a strong and undeniable tone.

Luo Xiyan nodded.Then she went to the bathroom with her evening dress in her arms and changed her clothes.

Ten minutes later, Luo Xiyan came out wearing an evening gown, Jun Ximo's eyes froze, and his deep pupils became even deeper.

Especially... the letter on the dress on the woman's chest was just at the position of her heart, as if she had put him on the apex of her heart.

Just thinking about it like this makes Jun Ximo feel a little hot in his body, especially when facing Luo Xiyan's exposed delicate collarbone and round shoulders...

(End of this chapter)

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