Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 855 The last life-saving medicine

Chapter 855 The last life-saving medicine
But in the end Luo Xiyan found it.

"One pill?" Luo Xiyan looked at the medicine bottle in her hand in shock, feeling inexplicably panicked.

"Why is this happening? Isn't there three grains? Jun Ximo, you'd better tell me the truth."

Luo Xiyan's small face became red with anger, her eyes were round and staring at Jun Ximo.

Jun Ximo looked at the angry Luo Xiyan's cute little appearance, in the past, he would definitely hold her in his arms and kiss her, but now that the girl is angry again, it will be different.

"Yan Bao, I..."

"Shut up! Did you speak?"

Luo Xiyan got up from Jun Ximo, sat up straight, and stared at him angrily.

Is there anyone who doesn't care about their body so much?This is the first time she has seen it.

pissed her off.

"Didn't I say that if you encounter such a thing in the future, you must tell me? What do you look like now? If you do this again in the future, I will never talk to you again."

Jun Ximo sighed silently in his heart, and leaned towards Luo Xiyan's side, with a fawning smile on that handsome face that was as sharp as a knife.

The dog-legged appearance makes it hard to imagine that he is the president of more than a dozen large and small companies, and it is even more unexpected that this man usually has an abstinent appearance that strangers should not get close to.

Looking at Jun Ximo like this, Luo Xiyan gradually dissipated the anger in her heart, but it was not enough to calm down completely.

She had a cold face at this moment, forcibly suppressing the thought of wanting to nestle in his arms, and turned her head away from looking at Jun Ximo.

How can Jun Ximo give up so easily?Seeing Luo Xiyan turn her head, he also changed direction.

Luo Xiyan turned to the other side, and he followed suit.

After coming down several times, the anger in Luo Xiyan's heart basically disappeared.

"Yan Bao, I was wrong, forgive me this time, okay?"

"It'll be fine, I'm ready."

"Honey, don't be angry, it's not worthwhile to be angry."

"Think about our baby dumpling, he definitely doesn't want Mommy to be angry, doesn't he, little dumpling?"

"Xiaotuanzi, do you like Mommy the most? Mommy is angry, so should you coax her?"

Jun Ximo glanced lightly at Luo Xiyan's stomach, threatening, but Xiaotuanzi couldn't speak, it's only been three months.

He also wants to talk, but he hasn't formed yet, and he can't respond to Daddy.

Hearing Jun Ximo's apologies, Luo Xiyan's anger dissipated a lot, and she slowly turned her head to look at him.

"Tell me, what happened to your medicine?"

When was it eaten?She didn't know it at all.

"Well... One night, you fell asleep after the two of us made love, and then the poison broke out once, and I ate one. You fell asleep at that time, and I didn't wake you up."

"The second time is when you are in a coma... Hey, don't cry... Yan Yan, Yan Bao, baby, baby, dear, little ancestor, don't cry... I'm fine, I'm really fine, don't believe me , I'm healthy now."

"Don't cry, my heart aches when I cry." Jun Ximo coaxed Luo Xiyan while wiping the tears off her face, for fear that he would make Yan Bao unhappy if he said something wrong again.

Luo Xiyan didn't want to cry either, she just couldn't hold back.

She just feels guilty.

Her little Mozi had poisoned twice without her knowing, and she didn't even notice it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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