Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 859 Abuse Young Master Mo?

Chapter 859 Abuse Young Master Mo?
The bodyguards around stood in front of Mr. Jun, blocked the reporters' questioning, and used their strong bodies and their own powerful aura to open a path among the crowd.

The moment he stepped into the hotel, Mr. Jun suddenly turned around and faced the reporters who were rushing to ask him something.

"When did I say that the relationship between me and Xiaomo is bad? The blood in his body is from the Jun family, so he will always be from our Jun family."

"No matter what he does in the future, he will always be my grandson."

This sentence was a bit nonsensical, but everyone thought that it was what Mr. Jun said to protect his grandson, so they didn't think much about it.

"Mr. Jun, can you tell me more about Young Master Mo? I heard that Mrs. Jun drove Young Master Mo out. Are these rumors true?"

"Yes, is it true?"

"Mr. Jun, you can take as much as you want."

Mr. Jun didn't answer the reporters' questions, he just said what he wanted to say, then turned and walked into the hotel lobby.

"Mr. Jun..."

"Mr. Jun, please say a few more words!"

The reporters were blocked by the bodyguards at the door, unable to get in. They were anxious and angry at the door, but they couldn't do anything.

"Xiao Liang, go and see if Xiao Mo is here."

Behind Mr. Jun, the man called Xiao Liang nodded and turned to leave.

Uncle Quan stayed behind Mr. Jun the whole time, following closely, and originally wanted to lure Mr. Jun to sit on the sofa not far away, but a hotel waiter appeared on the way.

"Is it Mr. Jun? The president specially ordered, wait for you to come, and take you up to rest for a while."

The people who were whispering in each other's ears in the lobby of the hotel couldn't help being surprised when they saw the person coming.

But soon they forcibly suppressed their curiosity.

In such occasions, the most important thing is the image.

"Please come with me." The waiter bent slightly, with one hand forward, making a "please" gesture.

"Young master really has a heart." Uncle Quan at the side echoed.

Mr. Jun didn't speak, but if he looked carefully, he could see a gratified expression gradually appeared on his face.

But it's gone in a flash, too fast to catch.

As soon as Mr. Jun went upstairs, another car parked outside the hotel entrance. This time, two people came down, which was the focus of everyone.

Jun Lintian and his wife.

Those reporters hadn't received the news that Jun Lintian and Mrs. Jun would also attend the banquet, so they couldn't help being shocked when they saw the two people getting off the car.

What kind of shit is this?

Aren't they enemies with Jun Ximo?What is going on here openly now?

Could it be that the previous rumors were wrong?
Could it be that the relationship between Mr. Jun, Mrs. Jun and Young Master Mo is not as stalemate as rumored, but peaceful?
Everyone's thoughts turned back and forth, and those reporters rushed to the car again to ask their own questions.

"Mr. Jun, Mrs. Jun, we didn't get news that you are coming back to attend the banquet. Do you have any invitations here? Did Young Master Mo invite you?"

"Excuse me, everyone has been spreading rumors that you abused Young Master Mo when he was a child. May I ask if this is true?"

(End of this chapter)

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