Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 877 If You Like It

Chapter 877 If You Like It

Seeing Jun Ximo, he naturally took Luo Xiyan's other hand and wrapped his arm around Luo Xiyan's shoulder.

Seeing this, Lu Tian quietly moved to the side twice.

Jun Ximo raised his eyebrows, this girl knows how to play.

Everyone came back to their senses amidst the astonishing gaze, and saw that Jun Ximo had already held Luo Xiyan's hand and was walking towards the inside.

They all set their eyes on Luo Xiyan's back, as if they wanted to slow her down with their eyes.

Luo Xiyan smiled helplessly, and gave the man beside her a hard look.

Sensing Luo Xiyan's resentful gaze, Jun Ximo stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms. His arms around Luo Xiyan's shoulders gradually tightened.

"Didn't you agree that this dress will only be worn at home?"

"I like it, it's pretty." Luo Xiyan pouted with a straight neck, her words seemed to be coquettish.

Jun Ximo smiled, stretched out his hand to rub her hair, lowered his head tenderly and pampered her, and kissed him on the forehead, "It's just as long as you like it."

Luo Xiyan raised her eyebrows as if to say: What do you need to say?
Jun Ximo was helpless, he took Luo Xiyan's hand, walked to the front stage and stood still, facing everyone.

"Thank you very much for coming to this banquet, but let me explain in advance that today's banquet is mainly held in my own name, and secondly, it is Di Ye."

People don't know why, so they don't know what the difference is.


Luo Xiyan was held by Jun Ximo and stood on the stage, looking at the various eyes projected on her by the people around her, some with envy, some with jealousy, some with contempt, and even... resentment?

Luo Xiyan turned her head and saw Mrs. Jun holding the wine glass tightly in her hand, her eyes were wide open, staring at their direction, as if she wanted to kill them.

She quickly shifted her gaze, and calmly smiled at everyone as a sign of politeness.

As for Mrs. Jun, she can't afford to overturn the big waves.

She has not forgotten the real purpose of Jun Ximo holding the banquet.

Many people don't know Luo Xiyan's true identity, and they subconsciously regard Luo Xiyan as a Cinderella who married into a wealthy family
That's why especially the women who just saw Jun Ximo's handsome face wished they could eat Luo Xiyan, their eyes were even scarier than wolves.

They gritted their teeth and stared in the direction of Luo Xiyan and Jun Ximo, wishing to replace Luo Xiyan.

Lu Tian, ​​who was in the audience, seemed to have forgotten that Jun Ximo glared at her just now, looking at the gazes of Luo Xiyan and Jun Ximo on the stage, she felt so lucky that she met two beautiful and beautiful companions all at once in this life.

The two of them are a perfect match when they stand together, golden boy and jade girl.

Jun Ximo didn't care about everyone's suspicious gazes, and slowly said, "I know that the purpose of many of you coming here after receiving invitations is to get closer to Di Ye.

But first of all, I would like to declare here that Diye will indeed cooperate with several companies present, but not by relationship, but by sincerity. "

"Our Diye recruits a large number of high-quality talents every year, and here we also hope that more capable people will come to Diye."

There was a wave of excitement among the people present, and the corners of Qi Feng's mouth in the audience couldn't help twitching. These words were all written by him before.

Originally, he really wanted Jun Ximo to speak out, but considering the aloof image of his boss, it was fine.

Jun Ximo, who is not close to strangers, said these advertisements, it was just a play.

(End of this chapter)

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