Chapter 888 Pregnancy?
"Grandpa." Jun Ximo didn't speak, Luo Xiyan obediently called out Grandpa.

"Hey! Xiaoyan, let me take a look, how are you living in the imperial capital during this time?"

Luo Xiyan stepped forward and reached out to support Mr. Jun's arm.

"Very good grandpa, I also made new friends here."

"Oh, really? That's a good relationship. If someone bullies you in the future, you must tell grandpa. Grandpa will make the decision for you. Especially Xiaomo."


Jun Ximo shook his head helplessly, this old man is simply a copy of the old urchin, he still has to obey.

"Stinky boy, are you bullying Xiaoyan?" Mr. Jun said with a serious expression on his face, staring at Jun Ximo.

Jun Ximo stretched out his hand and touched the tip of his nose, "How dare I, she is the only one who bullies me, and it's too late to pamper me..."

Luo Xiyan blushed and lowered her head unconsciously.

The people who originally wanted to watch a fierce battle immediately understood the attitude of the old man and Jun Ximo towards Luo Xiyan.

It turns out that Luo Xiyan is not unrecognized by anyone, not only Young Master Mo regards her as a treasure in his hand, but even Old Master Jun looks towards her.

Seeing that Mr. Jun ignored him, Jun Lintian's face immediately darkened.

Mrs. Jun, who was standing in the crowd, clenched her hands into fists. Mr. Jun had never paid attention to her son, let alone had a pleasant face.

This is not fair!

"Dad, why don't you stay up there in poor health? What are you doing down there?"

"If something happens to you, what can we juniors do?"

Mr. Jun

Upon hearing this sentence, the whole face suddenly darkened.

"You really want me to die, don't you?"

"How is it possible! Dad, you can't talk nonsense!"

Mrs. Jun's face turned pale all of a sudden, and even her voice seemed sharper than before.

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know what kind of idea your husband and wife are up to. What happened just now?

Why are Yanyan's eyes red?Is someone bullying you?Tell grandpa, and he will definitely make the decision for you. "

After hearing these words, Mrs. Jun and Jun Lintian turned even paler. If Mr. Jun knew what they did, he would definitely not be able to spare them.

"Dad, are you hungry? Come sit down and eat something."

"Don't change the topic for me, I have to know about it today."

When Mr. Jun saw Jun Lintian and Mrs. Jun's abnormal expressions, he already guessed that they must have done something wrong, but after hearing the truth, his whole face turned green with anger.

"Nizi, Nizi." Mr. Jun pointed at Jun Lintian with trembling fingers in disbelief, his chest heaved violently because of his anger.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, I haven't done anything yet, little Mozi is here."

Luo Xiyan didn't plead for those two people, he just didn't want the old man to get angry because of this matter.

"You rebellious son, you know Xiaoyan is pregnant, but you still want to drink her? And you want her to accompany you? What do you think of Xiaoyan? Huh?"

There was a commotion among the crowd again, so Jun Lintian is such a person?

Even people who have never been married know that pregnant women cannot drink alcohol, let alone the two of them have been married and had children.

and many more?

Did they hear it right?
Who is pregnant?
Luo Xiyan is pregnant?Mo Shao has a child?
It was another shocking thunder that suddenly hit their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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