Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 894 It's All Because of This Bitch

Chapter 894 It's All Because of This Bitch
Mrs. Jun burst into laughter suddenly, she raised her head, with a trace of madness in her eyes, looking at Jun Ximo, with a sarcastic smile on her lips.

"It's all because of that bitch. Jun Lintian and I are already in love. We are a match made in heaven. In the university, everyone envies us, saying that we are talented and beautiful..."

"But one day, Mr. Jun came to me suddenly, gave me a check, and told me to leave him. He was going to marry another woman. That woman was better than me, prettier than me, and richer than my family... ..."

Everyone listened quietly to Mrs. Jun's words, and even the policemen stopped their progress under Jun Ximo's signal.

"Hehe... Isn't it just a little bit of money? If it wasn't because the family had some money, what would that woman be? Nothing...

Why can she take away the person I love without doing anything?Can the person I love marry her without doing anything, and become the wife of Jun Lintian I once dreamed of?Why? "

"From the moment they got married... I was looking at the pictures of the prosperous wedding on the street screen, and I was thinking, one day I will make this woman pay the price she deserves, and I will take him away. Give me everything back."

"So you let her die in such a vicious way?"

Jun Ximo's icy cold voice came, and Mrs. Jun couldn't help laughing when she saw the face that resembled that wicked woman.

"You're right, he died like that, I still think it's light, I said Jun Ximo, what are you pretending? Isn't it you who is the happiest when he died?
How she treated you back then, I think you remember much more clearly than I do? "

Jun Ximoluo's hands on his sides gradually tightened, the veins on his hands were bulging, and his sharp eyes fell on Mrs. Jun, as if looking at a dead person.

"Stop pretending. I know everything about her beating you, abusing you, and poisoning you when you were young. There is one thing you must not know, right?"

Anyway, now that it has come to such a point, why not tell Jun Ximo what you know and make Jun Ximo angry, after all, the enemy is sad, so she is also valuable, isn't she?
"Back then, I was one of the nanny in your villa, and he would report to me every day about the situation of the villa, so I know everything about you, hahahahaha..."

Mrs. Jun's almost maniacal laugh completely irritated Jun Ximo, his mind was filled with memories of being abused and locked up in a small dark room when he was a child, and his body couldn't help shaking violently.

"Little Mozi, don't be afraid... I'm here, I'm here."

Seeing that Jun Ximo was in a bad mood, Luo Xiyan immediately stretched out her arms and hugged Jun Ximo beside her, tightened her hands little by little, and kept saying comforting words to him.

I don't know if it's because the resentment has been accumulated in my heart for too long, and it exploded all at once. Jun Ximo has no way to control his emotions.

There was even a feeling of backflow of blood in his body, feeling that his body was slowly getting out of control.

"Madam Jun, why must the grievances of the previous generation involve this generation? Little Mozi is innocent."

"Is he innocent? Hehe! He is the least innocent person."

Mrs. Jun's eyes were bloodshot, and she stared at Jun Ximo, "If it weren't for Yuan Jian giving birth to this bitch, Jun Lintian would have divorced her a long time ago, all because of this bitch..."

 In fact, I have long wanted to take these two villains who bullied Xiao Mozi away. If anyone has the same idea as I did, please raise your hand!

(End of this chapter)

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