Chapter 1000 Five Years Later (3)

Mr. Ge ordered her to steal a snow fox no matter what, otherwise she was not allowed to return to Kongkongu.

If not, she wouldn't have to wear a human skin mask and inner heightened shoes to appear in Qianshan Villa.

Because she was afraid of meeting acquaintances, she would wear a human skin mask every time she went out of the empty valley, and even changed all her previous living habits, trying to make herself look more elegant and elegant.

In fact, she doesn't have the talent for stealing skills, but Mr. Ge has identified her as an apprentice, and he said that the blue is better than the blue, and she is just farting!
After making complaints, Han Shushu soon found himself lost.

There are more than [-] pavilions, large and small, in the villa. She clearly remembers that the Xuehu Terrace is nearby, why can't she find it?

"Who are you, why are you lingering on Xuehu Terrace at this hour?!"

An abrupt man's voice sounded behind her, and she was too frightened to move because of her guilty conscience.

After all, she came to steal Xuehu, with bad intentions, and she was guilty of being a thief.

Han Shushu turned around stiffly, stood with downcast eyes, and replied weakly: "I, I am the new servant, and my name is Yuan Bao."

"Raise your head." The man's voice was slightly low and dignified.

Han Shushu looked up at the other party, then quickly lowered his head.

With just one glance, she saw the other person's face clearly.

He was a handsome man with a stern look, similar to some men she had known before.

She searched all her memories.She has done her homework, this person is Qian Shanze, the eldest son of the Qianshan family.Serious and strict, he is the future heir of Qianshan Villa.

She's such a shit luck, she's taken it all by herself.She came to the villa for half a month, and she went out at night for the first time, and unexpectedly met the most difficult master of the Qianshan family.

With her psychological quality, she is not material for being a thief at all.

Being stared at by Qian Shanze, Han Shushu was a little unsteady.

Soon Qian Shanze came to her, and she took a small step back when she was nervous.

Qian Shanze could clearly see this small detail.

He walked up to Han Shushu in two steps, lifted her chin directly, looked left and right, and finally fixed his gaze on her eyes.

It seems that he is just an ordinary man, but these eyes always feel too clear, as if he can talk, timid, a bit like the eyes of a daughter's family.

He then touched the other's earlobe, which was not pierced.

Afterwards, he tore open the other's tightly buttoned skirt, and when he saw the man's Adam's apple, he couldn't help being a little disappointed...

Han Shushu was terrified, she hurriedly slapped Qian Shanze's hand away, glared at him and said, "What are you doing?!"

You're just kidding, you start to move at the first sight, could it be that this person is gay?

No, Qian Shanze was checking her for Adam's apple.

Fortunately, she is an expert in this field.Every time I go out to steal things, I wear a human skin mask that reaches to my neck.The Adam's apple on the neck is of course Mr. Ge's forte.

You know, Ge Kongkong is the world-renowned number one thief.His only failure in this life was forcibly accepting her, a worthless apprentice.

As for Ge Kongkong's disguise technique, it is naturally number one in the world.

As for her, she was barely a pick-and-feel picker.

"What are you doing at Xuehu Terrace without sleeping in the middle of the night?" Qian Shanze looked at Han Shushu coldly and asked in a deep voice.

"The young one went to the latrine and saw the moonlight was good, so he planned to take a walk, but accidentally lost his way."

(End of this chapter)

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