The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1006 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1006 Meeting in a narrow road (1)

Han Shushu was in a cold sweat because she stuck a needle in her painful acupuncture point.

In an extraordinary moment, only extraordinary means can be used to escape.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Qian Shanze asked, looking directly into the little bookboy's eyes.

He didn't know if it was a problem with the light, but he found that the little book boy's eyes were not as vivid and bright as they were during the day, they were a bit obscure and less aura.

Han Shushu nodded slightly and struggled to get up: "Master, I want to go to sleep for a while, is that okay?"

"Go, just rest in my bedroom." Qian Shanze said, and let her go.

Han Shushu responded in a low voice, then staggered out of the bath.

After confirming that Qian Shanze hadn't followed, she wiped off her sweat.

This is not the way to go.

Should she administer some medicine to Qian Shanze tonight, come out masked, and go to Xuehu Terrace again?It's too passive now, it's better to take the initiative and steal a snow fox to hand over to Mr. Ge.

It's just that she is not familiar with Xuehu Terrace, and doesn't understand the formations there, even if she goes to Xuehu Terrace, she can't find where Xuehu is.

She should really learn how to learn formations, otherwise she wouldn't be in a dilemma.

Just as Han Shushu was walking and dazed, he heard footsteps ahead.

At first she didn't pay attention to it, but when the other party got closer, she felt that the footsteps sounded very familiar, very much like——

At this time, the man was already close.

Almost subconsciously, she turned around, trying to disappear in the darkness.

"Who's sneaking around there?!" A woman's voice sounded behind her.

The man came to her in an instant, but he was also an acquaintance, she was in green shirt.

The years have not left any marks on the face of the green shirt, she is still moving and beautiful.

When looking at people, he is arrogant and conceited.

"Who are you?" The green shirt asked Han Shushu in a deep voice after looking at Han Shushu for a while.

"I'm the eldest son's book boy Yuanbao." Han Shushu replied with downcast eyes, and deliberately lowered his voice because of nervousness.

"Why did you want to run furtively when you saw us just now?" the green shirt asked again in a deep voice.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that the thin man in front of her seemed to have done something wrong.

Han Shushu breathed a sigh of relief.

She replied calmly: "I found that I was going the wrong way, and I wanted to turn back. Who are you, dare to shout and drink in the villa?"

"My master, Xiaoyao Wang!" The green shirt said, looking at the man who was walking slowly.

The man's facial features are profound and handsome, even in the night, it is difficult to hide his noble temperament.

Out of the corner of Han Shushu's eyes, he watched the man walking in his direction, thinking to himself that he was unlucky.

Ever since she came to Qianshan Villa, she had a little back.First he provoked Qian Shanze, but now he actually met Nangong in this ghost place.

Isn't this so-called Happy King one of her ex-husbands?
"look up!"

Nangong walked up to Han Shushu and ordered quietly.

Han Shushu looked up at Nangong pretending to be curious.

Fortunately, she did a little work on the corners of her eyes today, and if she made herself look more dull at this moment, there should be no flaws.

Nangong looked at the little book boy in front of him for a long time, and felt that it was ordinary and without any special features.It's just that his eyes looked a little familiar.

Han Shushu was still a little nervous, as the old saying goes, a guilty conscience.

Her human skin mask is fine, and her acting skills are not bad, but she just has a guilty conscience.I always feel that I will show my flaws anytime and anywhere, and Nangong will see through my true identity.

(End of this chapter)

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