Chapter 1017 She has the old and the young (5)

Nangong is just a second-hand husband, and the second-hand goods she doesn't want were played around by her back then?Did Nangong think that after many years, he would be able to beat her?

Although she disapproved in her heart, Han Shushu didn't dare to show it on her face. After all, she was just a small attendant now, she couldn't be too out of the ordinary, let alone attract people's attention, especially she couldn't let Chu Mubai notice her existence.

With a plan in mind, she quietly stood aside and listened to everyone flattering Chu Mubai.

Until a charming and charming beauty is about to come.

The beauty is wearing a crescent white long dress with a green ribbon around her waist. Her slender waist is not enough to hold her hands, and she walks like a weak willow supporting the wind.In addition, there was affection in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, and she looked at Chu Mubai shyly and timidly, with such a posture and style.

She, who is also a woman, was shocked by Qian Shanxue, let alone a romantic ghost like Chu Mubai?

Ever since Qian Shanxue entered the main hall, Chu Mubai's gaze has never left Qian Shanxue's delicate face, which is as beautiful as spring flowers.

Qian Shanxue's beauty was dyed red by Chu Mubai's straightforward eyes, and her sedan chair's soft voice resounded in the hall: "Minister Qian Shanxue sees the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Chu Mubai's deep eyes flashed a sinister smile: "Pingshen, sit beside me."

After Qian Shanxue thanked Chu Mubai, she sat down beside Chu Mubai according to her words, and stole a glance at Chu Mubai from time to time.

Chu Mubai's straightforward eyes were also fixed on Qian Shanxue's delicate face, and the eyes of the two were entangled, and they never separated for a moment.

Qian Shanze saw it in his eyes and was delighted in his heart.

The Qianshan family had been waiting for this day.

As long as the emperor takes a fancy to Qian Shanxue, it will be a good opportunity for the Qian Shan family to become famous.

After chatting for a while, Qian Shanze said to Qian Shanxue: "Xue'er, the emperor is here for the first time, you can accompany the emperor to walk around the villa."

Han Shushu's eyes lit up when he heard "walk around".

As Chu Mubai's personal attendant, can she also walk around with her, preferably at the Snow Fox Terrace, to see what the legendary Qianshan Snow Fox looks like.

"Yes!" Qian Shanxue replied crisply, revealing a charming smile.

Chu Mubai's eyes were attracted by her innocent smile, and he suddenly remembered that there was once a woman who smiled so delicately that he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Chu Mubai took the lead out of the main hall, immersed in his own thoughts.

Qian Shanxue saw that Chu Mubai had something on his mind, so he didn't dare to disturb him.

She looked at the man standing next to her with admiration.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, she had seen Chu Mubai from a distance.Seeing him from a distance, I only feel that the current emperor has an outstanding appearance and an outstanding temperament.For some reason, that look was like destiny. In the future, she would not unconsciously compare Chu Mubai to any man she met.

Over the years, she declined many marriages, thinking that if one day she could enter the palace and be Chu Mubai's woman, how great would it be?
As for Han Shushu, he was far behind.

But Xiaocao pushed her hard and winked at her, all because she wanted her to defend her sovereignty.Xiaocao thought that Chu Mubai was still Han Shushu's man, and she should fight for it.

This girl has been like a day for 800 years and is worthless.

"Yuanbao, come here, I'm tired from walking."

Just when Han Shushu was depressed by Xiaocao's push, Chu Mubai's voice sounded from the front.

Han Shushu didn't want to get too close to Chu Mubai at all...

(End of this chapter)

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