Chapter 1024 She is a bundle (4)

Chu Mubai slapped her in anger before.Fortunately, she was only swept by the wind of the palm. If she had run more slowly, she would have died in Chu Mubai's hands at this moment.

So, in this life, she had a conflict with that bastard surnamed Chu.

As soon as they met, he made a killer move on her!
At this moment, Han Shushu gritted his teeth when he thought of Chu Mubai.

Only then did Xiaocao realize that Han Shushu was seriously injured.

She hurriedly took Han Shushu to the most hidden place to help her heal her injuries.

A quarter of an hour later, someone came nearby, and she had no choice but to hold back.

This quarter of an hour of healing time has made Han Shushu feel much better.

When Han Shushu went to the Beauty Pavilion, he saw Chu Mubai sitting in the living room.

His eyes were full of coldness, his face was gloomy, and he could feel the fierce murderous aura emanating from him from a long distance away.

She secretly groaned.

In order to divert Chu Mubai's attention, she deliberately mentioned the woman surnamed Han. Isn't this exactly Chu Mubai's taboo?

What's more, she escaped smoothly from an expert like Chu Mubai. She is as proud as Chu Mubai. She must have never thought that someone could escape from the clutches of an expert like him under his command. At this moment, he Must have exploded.

In the past, Chu Mubai's temper was very cruel.After these five years, I think it is the most cruel and inhumane?

She subconsciously tugged on Xiaocao's sleeve.

The only one who can save her now is Xiaocao.

Xiaocao gave her a comforting look, signaling her not to be afraid, and she felt a little relieved.

"Where did you go?" Chu Mubai played with the sapphire in his hand and broke his fingers, lazily pursing his lips.

Han Shushu glanced at Xiaocao, and seeing Xiaocao smiling at her, she mustered up the courage to reply, "Xiaocao said she wanted to play hide-and-seek with Xiaocao, so Xiaocao hid..."

Anyway, whatever she says, Xiaocao will cooperate with her, right?

Xiaocao didn't expect Han Shushu to tell such a big lie.

She quickly regained her composure, took a step forward, and said to Chu Mubai: "I just feel bored in the villa, and I want to find something to pass the time, so I pull Yuan Bao to play hide-and-seek with me. Thirteen, if you want to blame me, blame me , it's all my fault, Yuan Bao was forced by me."

Han Shushu has been seriously injured and cannot be hurt any more.

"You seem to like this troublemaker very much." Chu Mubai's harmless eyes fixed on Xiaocao's face.

He knew Xiaocao's temperament.Because of her special status, most people would not pay attention to Xiaocao.Looking at the entire palace, he is the only one who can keep her in her heart.

Now, she just knew Yuan Bao, and she played so well with Yuan Bao, it was really weird.

"I just thought she was easy to bully. Just now she was played around by me, it was fun. Thirteen, when we return to Beijing, we must not leave Yuanbao behind." Xiaocao said, looking at Han Shushu.

Han Shushu was very upset when he heard this.

Xiaocao has become disobedient now, maybe one day Xiaocao will suddenly become nervous and tell Chu Mubai her true identity.

At that time, she will not be able to run even if she wants to.

So, she endured.

After that, she still needs to appease Xiaocao's emotions, after all, this girl is also a ticking time bomb, so she can't be careless.

"Since you like him, you will naturally keep him for you." Chu Mubai smiled lightly and lifted his lips.

Chu Yun endured it for a long time, then suddenly interjected: "Your Majesty, according to his humble position, Yuan Bao is very insignificant, such a person should not stay with the Emperor, it is better to drive him away..."

"Chu Yun, will you die if you don't speak?" Xiaocao interrupted Chu Yun and stared at him dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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