The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1030 The Emperor Kissed a Man

Chapter 1030 The Emperor Kissed a Man (2)

To be an emperor is timid, and to test everything.

Unexpectedly, Chu Mubai, who was tall and burly, was also a coward.

Han Shushu quickly ate all the fruits and snacks, and his stomach was swollen again.

"Your Majesty, I have tried poison."

This time, she was not interested in fruits and snacks.

Sure enough, what is not available is always the best.

Chu Mubai ate a piece of snack, and then threw it away in disgust: "It's unpalatable!"

After he finished speaking, he got up and continued to stroll around the villa.

Han Shushu followed Chu Mubai idly, thinking that this man was easy to serve.Not losing her temper and letting her eat so much delicious food is simply a happy life like a pig.

Just when she lamented that life is beautiful, a servant girl saw her and waved to her excitedly.

Out of politeness, she smiled back at the servant girl as a greeting.In fact, she couldn't even remember the other person's name.

Chu Mubai seemed to have seen this scene, and suddenly changed his face: "Bring that blind thing here!"

The thing he was talking about refers to the maid who "eyes flirtatiously" with Han Shushu.

Chu Yun personally stepped forward and escorted the girl to Chu Mubai: "Your Majesty, I have brought you here."

"Handmaiden's hand is one hundred times!" Chu Mubai pointed to the right palm that the maid waved to Han Shushu just now.

Chu Yun was taken aback.

In the past, Chu Mubai always killed people directly, or disabled people, but now he only hits the palm?
What's more, the girl seems to have done nothing wrong, so why did she provoke Chu Mubai?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Chu Yun dared not speak out.

The maid was escorted to Chu Mubai, slapped her palm a hundred times, kowtowed to Chu Mubai to thank him with red eyes, and then ran away quickly.

Han Shushu, who stood aside, didn't understand what happened at all.

She felt that it must be because of her narcissism that she felt that the maid's punishment had something to do with her.

Besides, Chu Mubai has always been ruthless, if he really wanted to punish someone, how could he just slap the other person's palm a hundred times?According to common sense, Chu Mubai should directly chop off the hand of the maid, which is in line with his bloodthirsty and brutal nature.

After that, Chu Mubai went to the garden.

The garden is not only full of flowers, but also a delicate beauty——Qianshanxue.

As soon as Qian Shanxue saw Chu Mubai, she rushed forward impatiently, and greeted coquettishly: "Xue'er sees the emperor, and respectfully invites the emperor Jinan."

"I want to go shopping in the garden for a while, and all irrelevant people will leave."

Chu Mubai never looked at Qian Shanxue, and gave orders in a low voice.

Qian Shanxue was slightly taken aback, never thinking that Chu Mubai would be so indifferent to her.

He said yesterday that he would take her into the palace, why didn't he look at her directly today?
For a beauty like her, there has always been only a man she can't look down on, but now there is a man who looks down on her, how embarrassing is this for her?
When Han Shushu saw Qian Shanxue's beautiful eyes with tears in his eyes, he felt like he was about to cry at any time, and he couldn't bear it.

She moved closer to Chu Mubai, and whispered: "The emperor should be gentler to beauties..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Chu Mubai gave her a hard look, as if she wanted to eat people.

It was only then that she remembered the disparity between her and Chu Mubai's identities. As a slave, how could she have the right to dictate to the current emperor?
"I just want to be alone. I don't hate you. I don't like to see women cry." At this time, Chu Mubai patiently explained to Qian Shanxue.

A little surprise flashed in Qian Shanxue's eyes upon hearing the words.

(End of this chapter)

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