The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1035 The Emperor Kissed a Man

Chapter 1035 The Emperor Kissed a Man (7)

Chu Mubai glanced at Han Shushu: "It's worthless. If I let you sit, you have to sit! Help me test the poison, and try all the dishes."

Han Shushu lowered his eyes and got up, burying his head in his food.

This situation is very strange.

There was a large table of people, and everyone from the whole villa came. The prince Nangong was here, and there was a cold shadow. Everyone, including Chu Mubai, was watching her try the dishes. It was really uncomfortable.

"The emperor found such a new favorite when he left the palace?"

Leng Ying looked aside for a while, then lifted his lips mockingly.

Chu Mubai didn't seem to hear Leng Ying's words. Seeing that Han Shushu's lips were greasy, he wiped the corners of her lips with his cuff, and said softly, "Eat slowly, no one will grab you."

Han Shushu was so uncomfortable, her face was on fire, and she almost buried her head in the bowl.

What exactly did Chu Mubai mean by showing her affection in front of so many people.

He is the emperor, and he actually used his cuff to wipe off the oil stains for her, so that she would lose her life.

"Yuan Bao, this woman said you are my new favorite, what do you think?"

At the moment when Han Shushu was in distress, Chu Mubai's voice rang in her ears.

She froze for a moment, subconsciously looking at Leng Ying.

How should she answer this?If her answer made Chu Mubai unhappy, would her life be in danger?
"It's a slave's honor to be, to be the emperor's new favorite..." She muttered, not daring to look up at the crowd.

According to her understanding of Chu Mubai, she felt that this answer should satisfy him a little.

"Forget it, I will fulfill you. From today on, you will be one of my harem!"

As Chu Mubai said, he frivolously pressed a kiss on the top of Han Shushu's head.

The others heard it clearly and looked at each other, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

Even Han Shushu himself was quite frightened.

She just said that it would be an honor to be Chu Mubai's new favorite, but she didn't say that she really wanted to be his new favorite.Damn Chu Mubai, knowing that she is a "man", actually said what he wanted to bring her into his harem?

May I ask that no emperor in history would bring a man into the harem, right?

Even if the emperor had a habit of cutting off his sleeves, it was impossible to throw a man into the harem at the risk of the world.

This is simply absurd!

"Your Majesty, you can't..." Chu Yun was also dumbfounded when he heard this, and subconsciously wanted to dissuade him.

Chu Mubai looked at him coldly, and he froze immediately, not daring to raise any objections.

He looked at the ugly ingot again.I really don't know what ecstasy soup Yuan Bao gave his master to make such a big joke.

"What is the emperor looking for in Yuanbao?"

Nangong, who had been silent all this time, asked quietly.

His gaze was fixed on the top of Han Shushu's head.

Although Chu Mubai has done a lot of ridiculous things these years, he never threw a man into his harem.The more he looked at it today, the more he felt something was wrong.

What kind of ability does this ingot have to make Chu Mubai drop such a heavy bomb.

"Yuanbao has caught my eye, it's better than some people present—"

Chu Mubai's gaze was fixed on Leng Ying's face, and he suddenly shouted sharply: "That woman..."

Han Shushu was taken aback, thinking that Chu Mubai recognized her, she was about to strike up a conversation, but out of the corner of her eye, she realized that Chu Mubai was not looking at herself.

She followed Chu Mubai's cold gaze, and only then did she know that Chu Mubai was looking at a cold shadow.

Sure enough, it was a guilty conscience, but luckily it was just a false alarm.

"Leng Ying, I'm calling you, can't you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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