The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1039 The Evil Emperor's Fancy Love

Chapter 1039 The Evil Emperor’s Fancy Love (3)

Han Shushu was a little embarrassed, and before he could struggle to get up, he saw Chu Mubai turning back in front of her, looking down on her with a supercilious look, very emperor-like.

He made a shallow smile: "Could it be that you have admired me for a long time before you ask me for such a big gift?"

"Where is it?" Han Shushu looked at the man's palm stretched out towards her, feeling a little complicated.

"It's okay to be ugly, and it's also uglier than ordinary people when you fall." Before Han Shushu could think about it, Chu Mubai took her palm and pulled her up from the ground.

Han Shushu pursed his lips in disdain.

Her face is indeed not good-looking, and it certainly wasn't good-looking when she fell down just now.

But why is this man surnamed Chu so awkward when he speaks?

"Forget it, since you are my new favorite, come up."

While Chu Mubai was speaking, he squatted in front of Han Shushu.

Han Shushu stared at Chu Mubai's generous back in a daze.

You know, he is the emperor, how can he carry a humble commoner like him?
She just fell and was not injured or disabled. Why did he carry her on his back?

"I'm impatient! If you want to live, come up to me. If you don't want to live, I'll kill you now!" Chu Mubai's words awakened Han Shushu's thoughts.

Without saying a word, she climbed onto Chu Mubai's back.

Chu Yun looked at her with resentful eyes, just like back then, exactly the same.

She knew she was wrong, but she didn't really understand what happened.

Back then, when she was Han Shushu, Chu Mubai seemed to have no resistance to her.

Fortunately, she has become a "man", why does Chu Mubai still treat her better than ordinary people?He had only seen her for a long time, and he actually wanted to throw her into his harem.

Did he take the wrong medicine, or did he recognize her?

This thought was fleeting, she cautiously moved closer to Chu Mubai, carefully probing: "Why is the emperor so nice to the servant?"

Chu Mubai looked at her with Mo Ming eyes when he heard the words.

The look in his eyes made her scalp tingle.

What's wrong, did she ask the wrong question?
Just when she was feeling anxious, Chu Mubai suddenly threw her back to the ground, and said in a cold voice: "Shameless!!"

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Han Shushu breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, she thought too much, Chu Mubai's temper was still disgusting.

Her disguise technique is so good, and she is a man, how could Chu Mubai recognize who she is?
She was also stupid to suspect that Chu Mubai recognized her as Han Shushu.

Thinking of Chu Mubai saying that she was shameless before, she couldn't laugh or cry.

When she returned to the nobleman's pavilion, she saw Xiaocao waiting in front of the nobleman's pavilion.

"The emperor ordered me to take you to take a bath. He said, you stink." Seeing her coming back, Xiaocao leaned forward and winked at her.

Han Shushu was speechless for a moment.

It's true that she hasn't showered for two days, isn't it inconvenient, and she can't help it.

Because Xiaocao was close to her, she quickly washed herself, and then arranged her whole body, making sure that no flaws were exposed, so she felt relieved.

I thought the night would pass like this, but Chu Mubai said to her: "You, serve me to take a bath!"

Han Shushu stared at Chu Mubai's back, miserable.

If Chu Mubai suddenly threw her into the bath and asked her to take off her clothes, would he find out that she was a woman?

Thinking of this, she winked at Xiaocao, hoping that Xiaocao would help her.

(End of this chapter)

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