The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1052 Install, continue to install!

Chapter 1052 Pretend, keep pretending! (8)

It's so high, she jumped down like this and she didn't die.

Now her heartbeat was unbelievably fast, and sweat was dripping from her forehead.

Until Chu Mubai gently wiped the sweat on her forehead with his cuff, his bottomless eyes overflowed with love, it was his undisguised feelings for her...

Han Shushu's heart palpitated, and he subconsciously avoided Chu Mubai's affectionate eyes that seemed to be devouring her.

She was so nervous, her heart was beating unreasonably fast.

It won't work like this, she will fall again.

She finally got out of his love net, how could she meet him again and be fascinated by him?

Didn't he just take her to jump the mountain once, and if she finds someone to jump again, she might be able to return to normal.

This man is too dangerous, staying by his side means death or injury...

At the moment when Han Shushu was flustered, Chu Mubai held her hand tightly and looked at the top of her head with a half-smile.

Her heart trembled, and only then did she feel that something was wrong.

She touched her head and found that the hair was full of fine petals.

Not only her hair, but even her clothes are full of flowers, making her a flower person.

No wonder Chu Mubai smiled so wretchedly, could he be teasing her?
She hastily shook off all the petals on her body and hair, gave Chu Mubai another hard look, and got into the sedan chair first.

After that, Chu Mubai took her on a tour.

It's all nonsense to rush back to Beijing for something important.

Later she remembered that Chu Mubai remembered what she said.

Many years ago, he said that when he was free, he would take her out to visit the mountains and rivers, wherever she wanted to go.

Although it was five years late, he finally fulfilled his promise to her.

Maybe every word she said, he remembered in his heart.

Thinking of this, Han Shushu's heart was both sour and sweet.

"Your Majesty, I'm tired and I don't want to play anymore. Let's go back to Beijing?" Han Shushu rested on his lap after a day of sightseeing.

They all know each other that Han Shushu's identity has been exposed.

If she acts again, it will look fake.

"You don't like entering the palace." Chu Mubai stared at Han Shushu with obsidian eyes.

"Then if you enter the palace, I won't?" Han Shushu replied calmly.

"Wherever I am, you, a troublemaker, must be there. This is an imperial decree!" Chu Mubai clasped Han Shushu's shoulders, exerting force continuously.

Han Shushu gave him a disdainful look, but said nothing.

What's so great about being an emperor, she is always said to be a troublemaker.Where is she so tricky, she is obviously a good citizen!
In the end, whether Han Shushu wanted to or not, she was taken back to the capital.

The moment she walked through the city gate, memories flooded her like mountains and seas.

She always thought that she had forgotten it, but it turned out that some memories had been baked into her blood, and some people were also ribs that she could not get rid of.

On the day when Chu Mubai returned to the palace, all civil and military officials were waiting in front of the palace gate.

Han Shushu hid in the carriage and did not dare to show his face.

Unexpectedly, Chu Mubai, a lunatic, actually pulled her out of the carriage when he was being worshiped by civil and military officials.

Everyone didn't expect Chu Mubai to make such a move. They looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally their eyes were fixed on Han Shushu.

Seeing everyone staring at her, Han Shushu squinted and smiled: "The little one is the emperor's entourage!"

I don't know how to explain it this way, can these people stop looking at her like this.

It would be fine if she had a woman's face now, but she was brought into the palace by Chu Mubai as a man, what would everyone think of the emperor Chu Mubai?

 Recommend gay friends who are stupid and not good


(End of this chapter)

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