The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1061 Caught Right: The Killing of the Little Thief

Chapter 1061 Caught Right: The Little Thief’s Lore (1)

While Caixia was not paying attention, Han Shushu put Caixia down, and made a human skin mask in the shortest time, turning into Caixia.

When she saw herself in the mirror, she pursed her lips proudly.She looked at the bronze mirror and felt sorry for herself, and then she learned how the beauties in the Beauty Tower walked with their waists and hips twisted. After learning for a quarter of an hour, her old waist was about to break, and she still couldn't learn the essence of Caixia's usual walking.

So, in fact, not every woman has the talent to become a beauty in the beauty building, and a stupid person like her can't do such a thing.

In view of the terribly tired night, Han Shushu decided to let himself go tonight and come back to study hard tomorrow when he has a chance.

She fell asleep on the couch, unaware that because of her, the entire capital city was under strict control, and many people died unexpectedly.

When Xiaocao heard the news and rushed to the city gate, she saw Chu Mubai's expression was stern and his eyes were full of hostility.He exuded a dead air all over his body, as if anyone who got close to him would be torn to pieces by him.

She knew how important Han Shushu was to Chu Mubai.

He has been waiting for five years, and there is no way he will risk losing Han Shushu again.

If Han Shushu can't be found this time, I'm afraid there will be a bloodbath, everyone's life will be in danger, and she may also encounter accidents.

She was most afraid that Chu Mubai would completely collapse.

After all, Chu Mubai has been very ill in the past five years, and he can no longer stand any stimulation.

"Thirteen, since she hasn't left the city, we will definitely find her. I will guard here personally, and I will not go anywhere until you find her. I have a hunch that you will find her tonight. I'll guard, don't worry." Xiaocao put on a soft voice and smiled gently at Chu Mubai.

She hoped that Chu Mubai would not be too nervous, and think carefully about where Han Shushu might hide if she didn't escape the capital in time.

Chu Mubaimu glanced at Xiaocao expressionlessly, turned around and was about to leave, Xiaocao remembered something, and added: "By the way, Shu Shu's lightness skill is very good now, and the disguise technique has reached the stage of transformation, she must be transformed into another People. When she was in Qianshan Villa, she once wanted to steal the snow fox, and she hit you in the palm—”

Chu Mubai's eyes flickered slightly, remembering that there was such a thing.

He should have thought earlier that the daring female thief he met that night was Han Shushu.

He just thinks that Han Shushu doesn't like to practice light kung fu, and it's impossible for her to practice light kung fu to perfection in just five years.

To underestimate the fate of that woman is to be generalized by her and give her a chance to escape.

After catching her this time, he will not leave her side for a moment, so that she has no chance to escape again!
Chu Yun commanded the officers and soldiers to search the city in an orderly manner.

Chu Mubai walked on the streets of the capital thoughtfully.

Will she run up the hill?

The idea was fleeting, and he was immediately rejected.

That woman is too lazy to work, and it is impossible to run into the mountains and suffer.

She probably ran somewhere to eat and drink before sleeping.At this time, she was probably soundly asleep...

Chu Mubai performed lightness kung fu all the way, and when he passed the lively beauty square, his footsteps froze.

Yes, Beauty Square, this is an excellent hiding place.

He had a strong intuition that his woman was hiding in this place.As for who she turned into, he has a way to find out.

"Come on, surround the Beauty Square!" Chu Mubai raised his big hand, and countless masked men in black appeared from the darkness.

These people move quickly, and they can tell at a glance that they are well-trained on weekdays.

(End of this chapter)

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