The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1064 Caught Right: The Killing of the Little Thief

Chapter 1064 Caught Right: The Little Thief’s Lore (4)

Chu Mubai drank a cup of tea slowly, his posture was elegant and his temperament was outstanding.

All the sisters looked at each other, not knowing what trick Chu Mubai was playing.

Only the person involved, Han Shushu, was extremely flustered.

Is Chu Mubai sure that she is among this group of women, or is he trying to use psychological tactics to make her mess up?
At the moment when everyone was uneasy, Chu Mubai finally opened his mouth.

He glanced at the many beauties in front of him: "I heard that the beauties in the beauty building are versatile, good at singing and dancing. I am honored to come to the beauty building today, and I must appreciate the talents of the girls."

When Han Shushu heard this, he couldn't help but stretched out his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Worse, she is the least able to dance this kind of ancient dance, so she thinks it's not a big problem if she wants to do a pole dance.

If she dances, she has to show her stuff and be completely dead.

Chu Mubai clearly saw Han Shushu wiping his sweat.

With her virtue, she still thinks how good she is at disguise.

From the moment he entered the beauty building, he saw her for the first time, seeing her straight spine and erratic eyes, and he knew that this was Han Shushu.

But seeing that she still doesn't give up, I might as well play with her for a while longer.

It's rare to revisit the old place, she also likes to play out of the palace, he is willing to play such childish tricks with her.

Chu Mubai is in a very good mood here.

Han Shushu is just the opposite, she is quite entangled at the moment.

Let her admit that she is not Chu Mubai's opponent, she is 1 unhappy.

She quickly searched for the dance music she had seen, and wondered if she could get away with it if she performed supernaturally on the spot.

"Well, let's start with the short ones first."

Chu Mubai said casually, and everyone's eyes were all focused on Han Shushu.

Only at this moment did they realize that Caixia suddenly seemed to be much shorter, and her body was not as plump as before, which seemed a little strange.

When Han Shushu saw that everyone was looking at her, she couldn't help but wanted to wipe off her sweat again.

But when he raised his eyes, he saw Chu Mubai staring at him closely.

Feeling guilty, she immediately looked away.

"What about you, haven't you started?!" Seeing that Han Shushu was unconscious, Chu Mubai let out a deep shout.

Han Shushu had no choice but to go out.

If she is going to die, she can't dance, what should I do?
I don't know if she can escape from Chu Mubai's clutches if she plays escape under Chu Mubai's nose.

Recalling that when he was in Qianshan Villa, he also escaped under Chu Mubai's nose. Chu Mubai gave her a slap, which almost took her poor life away.

So, don't mess around with things that have little chance of winning.

Everyone was looking at Han Shushu, who didn't know how to place his hands and feet.

In the end, her heart was overwhelmed, and she waved her long sleeves. Coupled with the lightness steps she practiced, she danced casually.

Everyone was dazzled by the sight, and before they could see what was going on, Han Shushu had already knelt down on the ground, and said coquettishly, "My family has made a fool of myself."

Others didn't see Han Shushu's dance steps clearly, but Chu Mubai saw it clearly.

This woman has no other skills, but her skill in fishing in troubled waters is improving day by day, and she can even let her slip under his nose. He really can't tell what is wrong with her dancing.

After all, it cannot be said that she is not a good dancer...

"Your dance is unique, I enjoyed watching it. It's rare to come to the Beauty Building, that's all, you will sleep with me tonight."

As soon as Chu Mubai said this, everyone present was dumbfounded, including the person involved, Han Shushu.

(End of this chapter)

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