The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1087 Original Sin: 1 Only For Her

Chapter 1087 Original Sin: Everything Is Just For Her (6)

In this era, there are no psychologists and no way to search for information on the Internet, otherwise she can learn from scratch until the day he is cured.

Han Shushu was inexplicably anxious.

"Your Majesty, go to sleep." Han Shushu purposefully brought Chu Mubai to the couch, and said softly to him.

"You sleep with me..." Chu Mubai said, pulling her into his arms, smiling badly and evilly.

"Sleep obediently, or I won't play with you in the future." Han Shushu patted his unruly hands away, lay side by side with Chu Mubai, and helped him cover the quilt by the way.

Only then did Chu Mubai hold her hand tightly, and bit her fingertips a few times.

Not long after, his regular breathing sounded, and Han Shushu turned to look at him, unable to look away for a long time.

After confirming that Chu Mubai was asleep, Han Shushu got off the couch.

"How long has he been ill before?" Han Shushu called Chu Yun to him and asked.

"It usually starts at nightfall, and it returns to normal when the sky is about to dawn." Chu Yun said, his eyes lit up: "As soon as the girl comes, the emperor will sleep in peace, and the time of illness is very short."

After falling asleep, Chu Mubai will not do anything, until he wakes up, he will return to normal.

"Is this a good sign?" Han Shushu whispered, not sure if he was asking himself or Chu Yun.

"Of course it's a good thing. Maybe next time the emperor gets sick again, as long as the girl orders, the emperor will go to bed obediently."

Chu Yun's words reassured Han Shushu a little.

Maybe Chu Yun was right, as long as he fell asleep, he would return to normal when he woke up.Wasn't it the same when he got sick last time?

Thinking of this, she turned back to the bedroom and lay down beside Chu Mubai.

The man's long and narrow eyes were slightly closed, and his long and thick eyelashes looked extraordinarily long under the projection of the light.His nose was straight, and his thin lips were as red as blood, so sexy that she broke her heart.

In a moment of emotion, she pressed a kiss lightly on the corner of his lips.

Then, there was a smile on his lips, so shallow that if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice that he was smiling.The warmth made her eyes sting.

Only now did she know that she was the one who suffered the thirteenth catastrophe, and she was the one who made him become what he is today step by step.

"Thirteen, no matter what the price is, I will definitely cure you." Han Shushu whispered on his lips.

The next day, before Han Shushu woke up, he found something strange on his face.

She opened her eyes dimly, and saw Chu Mubai's wild and evil smile. When he grinned the corners of his lips, his dazzlingly white teeth blinded her eyes.

This person is...

Didn't she say that she would become normal once she woke up? Why was she so restless?

"Beauty, you look so good-looking!" Chu Mubai frivolously bit her nose.

Then, he took another bite on her left cheek...

After he bit her all over the face, he showed no signs of stopping.

Han Shushu stared at Chu Mubai with wide eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Beauty..." Chu Mubai leaned over, wanting to kiss Han Shushu's mouth.

Han Shushu hurriedly avoided, and when she heard the word "beauty", she panicked!
Chu Mubai always called her Shushu, never called her a beauty, only the separated personality last night called her a beauty.

That is to say, Chu Mubai still has a personality during the day.

The more she thought about it, the more panicked she became, and the more she panicked, the more she sweated.

What to do, is there any way to let her breathe a sigh of relief?
"It's getting late, hurry up and go to court!" Han Shushu pushed away the man pressing on him, and got off the couch by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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