The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1091 Abstinence-type emperor VS strong-type troublemaker

Chapter 1091 Abstinence-type emperor VS strong-type troublemaker (3)

Han Shushu's fists clenched and then loosened, loosened and clenched again, so that he barely suppressed himself, and did not rush out to compete with An Sujing.

"Your Majesty..." An Sujing's seductive call made Han Shushu stare.

Is there any mistake, and there is an outsider like her, does An Sujing want to be so hungry-thirsty?
At the moment when she was slandering, Chu Mubai suddenly looked at her.

The moment his deep eyes fixed on her face, she only felt her heart tremble slightly.

Damn it, she couldn't stand the temptation of masculinity.

"Go back."

Chu Mubai's next two words made Han Shushu break away from the man's beauty.

She responded, and then reluctantly retreated behind the bead curtain.

She withdrew, is it so convenient for him to sleep with An Sujing?
Unexpectedly, Chu Mubai, you are such a man.Take the opportunity to have sex with other beauties, shameless!

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, my concubine should serve the Emperor to bed."

An Sujing's charming voice came from inside.

Disgusting, shameless, filthy, a deadly goblin, a vixen! !
At the moment when Han Shushu scolded An Sujing in his heart, Chu Mubai's deep and hoarse voice sounded: "I don't want to sleep, you and I have a game of chess."

Han Shushu suddenly smiled and opened his eyebrows.

This is Thirteen, he will not touch women other than her, even if he is sick, he will not engage in extramarital affairs.

Next, the men and women in the dormitory were playing chess, and Han Shushu began to doze off not long after guarding outside the bead curtain.

At the moment when she was pecking rice happily, she suddenly found that she had bumped into a wall of meat.

She opened her sleepy eyes, and she didn't know when Chu Mubai came to her. His whole body was covered with cold colors, and he looked at her with cold eyes, and she was almost leaning in his arms.

"You don't need to be on duty tonight, go back to the South Courtyard to rest."

Before Han Shushu could recover, she was pushed away by Chu Mubai.

She turned around and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered that there was another An Sujing.

She hurriedly followed behind Chu Mubai, only to see that the outcome of the chessboard had been decided, but An Sujing had disappeared.

"Where is Concubine Chen?" Han Shushu couldn't help asking.

"Go back to the palace to rest." Chu Mubai turned his head and glanced at her, his eyes still cold.

Han Shushu grinned at the corner of his lips and let out a big smile: "The emperor also rested early, good night."

She wanted to leave after she finished speaking, but Chu Mubai stopped her behind her: "Han Shushu!"

She looked back at him, her beautiful eyes were clear and bright: "If the emperor has something to do, just ask."

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu's flowery smile, but forgot what he wanted to say for a moment.He flicked his sleeves lightly, signaling her to back down.

Only then did Han Shushu happily run away.

But she didn't realize that Chu Mubai watched her back gradually go away with deep eyes through a bead curtain...

When Han Shushu left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he did not forget to confess to Wanxin: "If any concubine in the harem wants to kill Shisan, you must notify me immediately, and I will immediately come over to protect his chastity. "

Wanxin suppressed her laughter and replied loudly: "Yes, girl!"

Han Shushu looked at Chu Yun who was stunned by the side again, and confessed the same words.

But Chu Yun gave her a contemptuous look: "Isn't the girl very capable? Now that the emperor has become so careless, why doesn't the girl care about discipline?"

This has invited other beauties to sleep with her, and this woman Han Shushu can still laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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