The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1094 Abstinence-type emperor VS strong-type troublemaker

Chapter 1094 Abstinence-type emperor VS strong-type troublemaker (6)

Han Shushu didn't realize that after she entered the house, Nangong left and returned.

There was a faint smile on his lips, and his eyes were deep and unpredictable.

He had been waiting for her for five full years, and now that she was back, he vowed to get her, no matter what price he paid.Whoever stood in his way, he would eliminate.If it was Chu Mubai who blocked his way, he would naturally get rid of Chu Mubai's big worry.

After being dazed for a while, Nangong quietly left the South Courtyard and disappeared into the vast night.

Han Shushu slept until dawn that night, and she suddenly widened her eyes because she remembered that she was going to accompany Chu Mubai to the morning court.

But when she arrived at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Chu Mubai had already arrived at the Hall of Tai Chi.

In other words, the real Chu Mubai has not come back yet.

This is a good thing, because Chu Mubai's condition is getting worse.

It has only been a few days since she returned to the palace, and he has already changed into three personalities.And other personalities are taking the initiative, and the time of activity is getting longer and longer.

That night, Chu Mubai flipped his cards again.

This time, he called Lin Xia to sleep with him.

It's just that Lin Xia and An Sujing ended up the same way, and the so-called bed attendant was just playing chess with Chu Mubai to pass the time.

Before Lin Xialin left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she paused in front of Han Shushu, and she cast a resentful look: "Miss Han, don't come here without any problems."

Han Shushu smirked back and remained silent.

After Lin Xia had gone far away, Han Shushu went to Chu Mubai and said, "Thirteen, I think the women in your harem are all vulgar and vulgar, so why don't you ask them to sleep with you in the future. If you I really want a woman to accompany you, what do you think of me?"

As she spoke, she turned around lightly in front of Chu Mubai, and looked at Chu Mubai with a bright smile.

When Chu Mubai looked at her, it was as if he was looking at a dead object, without any fluctuation in expression.

She lowered her head weakly: "I see, you don't like a pretty woman like me."

Chu Mubai's thin lips only spit out two words: "Back off."

Han Shushu walked to the door dejectedly, and then quickly turned back to Chu Mubai. She took off her outer skirt neatly, and wanted to continue to take it off, but when she looked up, she saw Chu Mubai's eyes were cold, like a ten thousand-year ice sculpture .

The dim light reflected in his deep pupils, there was no trace of scarletness or emotion in them, but sharpness and ruthlessness were clearly seen.

There is no doubt that he was unmoved when she stood in front of him undressed.

Well, she had to admit that he wasn't interested in other women, and he wasn't interested in her either.In other words, she was just like any other woman.

It doesn't matter, even if he doesn't like her, she still likes him.

She made a gesture to leave, but she turned around suddenly, ran to him, grabbed his head, and kissed his thin lips several times. Before he could attack, she quickly stepped back and said: "Thirteen , you are so beautiful, I can't help but want to take you lightly. Don't be angry, I'll get out of here!"

Not waiting for Chu Mubai to get angry, she ran away in a hurry, but couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Small, she has a thick skin.He doesn't take the initiative now, she just needs to take the initiative.

Otherwise, she will be at a big loss if other women take the lead.

After Han Shushu left, Chu Mubai touched the corner of his lips that was bitten by Han Shushu.

There really is such a thick-skinned woman, how can there be any reason for a woman to take the initiative to kiss a man?

The sweetness and softness that seemed to remain on her lips between his lips, he licked it with his tongue, but felt that there was no taste at all...

(End of this chapter)

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