The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1104 Han Shushu, Do You Dare To Steal My Seed?

Chapter 1104 Han Shushu, Do You Dare To Steal My Seed? (1)

Han Shushu was momentarily at a loss for words.

Sure enough, she would be punished for lying, not to mention that she lied to her family's cutest son.

"I never thought I would meet him again. Now your father is not in good health, so I can't leave him alone." Han Shushu squatted in front of the little guy, held his limp little hand, and kissed him on the face a mouthful.

"But grandpa is still waiting..." The little guy looked at Han Shushu even more resentfully, as if saying that she forgot about sex.

"It's okay, he'll come and see what happens if he doesn't wait. Let's go, I'll take you to dinner first." Han Shushu wanted to hug the child, but the little guy awkwardly walked aside.

Obviously, he felt that he had grown up and didn't need her to hug him.

When the little boy was very young, he said that he would protect and take care of her when he grew up, but he lost his innocence at a young age, and became very precocious.

I haven't seen you for more than three months, and this guy is even more familiar...

Xiaocao had finished cooking and was about to ask Han Shushu to eat.

She saw Han Shushu from a distance, and waved happily: "Shushu, dinner is ready—"

Her voice was choked in her throat because there was a small person beside Han Shushu.

The little guy is round and round, his eyebrows and eyes seem to be carved out of the same mold as Chu Mubai.Coupled with his red lips and white teeth, why is he so like a little golden boy walking out of a painting?

Xiaocao's nose was sour, and she couldn't help the tears, which blurred her vision.

At this time, Han Shushu had already led the little guy to her.

"Xiao Yuanbao, this is sister Xiaocao, call someone." Han Shushu pushed Yuanbao to Xiaocao.

"Yuan, Yuanbao?" Xiaocao, who hadn't recovered from her previous emotions, was dumbfounded by the name.

Such a cute little prince is actually called Yuan Bao?

For a moment, she felt sad and happy.

The joy is that the thirteenth successor has someone, but the sadness is that such a cute little guy meets such an irresponsible mother.You can't choose such a vulgar name casually, you must know that this is the little prince, that is Chu Mubai's own flesh and blood! !
"Sister Xiaocao." Yuan Bao called out, and immediately stood beside Han Shushu, holding Han Shushu's hand tightly.

"Come, give me a hug." Xiaocao waved to the little guy.

Yuan Bao looked up at Han Shushu with displeasure written in his eyes.

"Let your elder sister Xiaocao hug you without dying, go." Han Shushu simply pushed the little guy to Xiaocao.

Xiaocao hugged the little guy and kissed him hard on the face.

Yuan Bao wiped the drool off his face in disgust.

The next moment, Xiaocao picked up Yuanbao and rushed out of the South Courtyard.

"Mother..." Yuan Bao looked at Han Shushu aggrievedly, and reached out to her.

"Don't be afraid, I'll come later." Han Shushu hurriedly followed.

She knew that Xiaocao was taking Yuanbao to see Chu Mubai.

It happened that she didn't know how to bring Yuan Bao to Chu Mubai.The most terrible thing is that Chu Mubai is still sick now, will he recognize the little guy today, and forget the little guy when he wakes up?
Xiaocao's lightness kung fu is excellent, and she rushed to the Hall of Mental Cultivation in the shortest possible time.

The palace people serving in the Hall of Mental Cultivation only felt a blur in front of their eyes, before they could clearly see what was going on, someone had already broken into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

And Xiaocao went straight to the study, and Chu Mubai had just approved the last memorials. When he looked up, he saw Xiaocao entering with a little boy in his arms.

Seeing the familiar facial features of the little boy, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. This is...

"Yuan Bao, this is your father." Xiaocao put down the little guy.

(End of this chapter)

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