Chapter 1122 His love has expired (5)

"Who is so jealous? Don't be narcissistic!" Han Shushu said and ran away in a hurry.

But Chu Mubai can always follow him like a shadow, and he can't even shake him off.

When Han Shushu was tired from running and found a stone to sit down, Chu Mubai suddenly squatted in front of her and squeezed her legs.

For a moment, Han Shushu felt warm in his heart.

This is a boring slut, who obviously cares about her, but always wants to stimulate her with words.

"Why is your leg like a stick?" Chu Mubai's next words dispelled the warm atmosphere.

He squeezed again, his fingers kept going upwards, and Han Shushu grabbed his hand in time: "What do you want?"

She actually wanted to play hooligans in broad daylight, but fortunately she was vigilant.

Chu Mubai held her hand instead, bit her finger lightly and ambiguously, and her heart suddenly became brittle again.

Just when she was so fascinated, Chu Mubai tapped her head: "I want to deal with political affairs, don't hook me up!"

"Who, who seduced you, you are too narcissistic..." Han Shushu yelled at Chu Mubaifeng-sao's back, expressing that she is a good citizen and would not do such things to seduce men.

What's more, she doesn't know how to do it.

It is clear that the surname Chu hooked her once, which made her feel itchy, and then left her to face the dead things in the memorial.

"Oh, the beauty trick works." Han Shushu sighed, and suddenly missed the person who had just left.

"Shu Shu, I'm thinking about Thirteen again." Xiaocao's voice suddenly sounded, startling Han Shushu.

This dead girl walks like Chu Mubai without making a sound.

"What do I want him to do? He can't eat it." Han Shushu snorted softly.

"I saw it just now, you have a look of love, you are clearly thinking about Shisan, and you are talking about beauty tricks. In my opinion, Thirteen didn't use any beauty tricks at all..."

Bucao couldn't finish speaking, because Han Shushu picked up a dead branch and threatened to beat Xiaocao to pieces.

While they were laughing, someone came, but it was An Sujing's master and servant.

"Xiao Cao, go and supervise Yuan Bao's reading."

Han Shushu suppressed his smile and gave Xiaocao an order.

Xiaocao understood and withdrew.

Only then did Han Shushu look at An Sujing: "Are you here for something?"

bother you for something.For no reason, she didn't really have a good impression of An Sujing.

"I heard that the girl had a quarrel with the emperor last night. In order to anger the girl, the emperor invited many concubines to sleep in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. I came to the south courtyard today to tell the girl not to listen to the rumors from outside. The emperor is devoted to the girl, and what he said about inviting a beauty to sleep with him is just a cover. In the past five years, the emperor has not touched anyone, except for the girl, the emperor looks down on any woman in the world."

As An Sujing said, she turned to look at the medicine garden beside her: "During the years when the girl was not in the palace, the emperor's favorite place to visit was the South Courtyard. Even the medicine garden was taken care of by the emperor himself, and he never slacked off."

Han Shushu has got everything a woman in the world wants, and no woman has such a blessing.

"You came here to tell me this?" Han Shushu asked quietly.

She felt that An Sujing's visit to the South Courtyard could not be so simple.

An Sujing looked back at Han Shushu, and suddenly knelt down on the ground, hugging her thigh, with tears in her beautiful eyes: "I like the emperor so much, can you give me a way out? I don't want much, just If you want to serve the emperor for one night, one night is enough..."

(End of this chapter)

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