Chapter 1124 His love has expired (7)

Chu Mubai's words made Han Shushu's heart sink slightly.

"What did you do to her?" She looked at Chu Mubai.

"She dared to gossip in front of you, and I ordered her to be punished with thirty sticks, so that she couldn't go out for half a month." Chu Mubai replied calmly, not thinking it was a big deal.

It's just a woman, it's not a pity to die.

When Han Shushu heard Chu Mubai's words, he was half relieved and half chilled.

The unfeelingness of this man is really amazing.

An Sujing wholeheartedly for him, just because she came to the south courtyard today, she will suffer such treatment.

"After all, she really likes you. There is nothing wrong with liking someone, what is wrong is that the person you love is not a person." Han Shushu whispered.

Suddenly I remembered that I was once unable to love, and I remembered that I was crazy about love in the end.

Will An Sujing become the former Han Shu in the end?
A woman's hatred can destroy everything, and she herself is a lesson from the past.

"Why, do you really want to hand me over to her and be ruined by her all night?" Chu Mubai's eyes grew colder.

If she dared to say yes, he would screw her back on the couch right now, so that she would not have the strength to speak anymore.

"My surname is Chu, who on earth did you send to spy on me? How come you know the details of my conversation with An Sujing?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai coldly.

She felt that she also had some internal strength, why couldn't she feel what kind of master was lurking around her and was watching her?
"You don't need to know." Chu Mubai forcefully took Han Shushu into his arms, and said every word: "It's enough for you to rely on me with peace of mind, and you don't need to sympathize with anyone."

Han Shushu listened to Chu Mubai's steady heartbeat.

Five years ago, every time he hugged her, his heart would beat fast.

In the past few days, he hasn't been able to. Does it mean that he doesn't like her so much?

Obviously he is sick now, but it looks more incomprehensible than when he was not sick.

She suddenly felt that Chu Mubai's love for her might have expired, and now she was only possessive of her.Maybe she was the woman he couldn't get all the time, that's why he was so obsessed with her.

In fact, everyone will suffer from a disease called paranoia.

The more you can't get it, the more you want it, and when you get it one day, you will find that it is nothing more than that.

If not, why didn't Chu Mubai's heart beat faster when he hugged her, but hers were alive and kicking?

Thinking of this, Han Shushu felt depressed.

She walked out of Chu Mubai's arms: "I want to sleep, don't follow me, I don't want to see you."

Chu Mubai stood where he was, looked at Han Shushu's back, and found that this woman seemed a little disappointed. He thought that she was unhappy because of An Sujing.

For three days in a row, every time Chu Mubai went to the South Courtyard, Han Shushu refused to see him.

"Is this what you think?" Chu Mubai asked Han Shushu's back.

Have you been arguing with him for three days because of an irrelevant woman?

Han Shushu never looked back, and soon disappeared into the night.

"I'm as you wish!" The aftertaste of Chu Mubai's voice lingered endlessly.

Han Shushu hid in the house, feeling very uncomfortable.

She didn't understand why she liked Chu Mubai so much, but he liked her less and less. It's not fair.

"What's the matter with you, why are you and Shisan suddenly having such an argument?" Xiaocao followed and lit the palace lantern.

When she saw Han Shushu with a blank expression, she didn't know how to persuade him.

(End of this chapter)

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