The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1126 Abusing Nangong, Showing Love

Chapter 1126 Abusing Nangong, Showing Love (1)

Not long after, Xiaocao took Yuanbao's little hand and went to the imperial garden.

Han Shushu was actually reluctant to go to that place.Because that is the garden where women in the harem like to visit most. Where there are many women, there are naturally many right and wrong.

But Xiaocao ignored her at all, and ran into the garden with Yuanbao on her own.

She was not surprised at all when she saw Chu Mubai surrounded by many beautiful Yingyings.

If the flowers in the imperial garden are bright and colorful, then the women in the harem are more delicate than the flowers.

Huanfeiyanshou, everything you expect.Each of them wears exquisite makeup, wears gorgeous and complicated palace skirts, and combs various complicated hair buns.

Chu Mubai sitting in the middle was drinking tea, and many beauties were winking at him.

He has a handsome face and cold eyes, as if he can't see the eyes of the sisters who want to devour him.You know, Chu Mubai is the only man in the palace, and Chu Mubai is a beautiful man with an excellent appearance.

So many beauties have been widows for five years, and now they have such an opportunity to get close to Chu Mubai, all of them just want to get the favor of Chu Mubai's eyes, and wish they could climb onto Chu Mubai's dragon bed right away.

It's just that Chu Mubai has many rules, you can't touch his body, you can't lean on his arms, let alone kiss Chu Mubai's handsome face that captivates all living beings.

With such a good-looking handsome man in front of him, he couldn't touch him, let alone eat them. All the sisters were very anxious, and they didn't know how to attract Chu Mubai's attention.

Everyone froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Since Chu Mubai returned to the palace, Han Shushu has plunged headlong into political affairs, and it is even more difficult to see him.

If I miss today again, I really don't know when I will have a chance to see Longyan.

Just as everyone was thinking about it, the woman Han Shushu appeared again.

In particular, the little prince born to Han Shushu also appeared in the imperial garden. Seeing the mother and son appear, the hearts of all the sisters were half chilled.

Fortunately, after Han Shushu appeared, Chu Mubai didn't seem to look at Han Shushu directly.

Recently, news of Han Shushu falling out of favor has been circulating in the palace.

Everyone was skeptical.After all, Han Shushu and Chu Mubai have been entangled for a long time, and Han Shushu's return to the palace is not long.In addition, there were no beautiful beauties in the palace, so Chu Mubai did not empathize with others.

That being the case, Han Shushu's fall from favor seems to be exaggerated.

But now seeing Han Shushu ignoring Chu Mubai, and Chu Mubai seeming not to see Han Shushu, the fading fire in everyone's hearts suddenly rekindled.

Just when Han Shushu was about to walk away, Chu Mubai suddenly opened his mouth: "Seeing that I don't practice court etiquette, do you know that this is a crime of disrespect?"

As soon as Chu Mubai's words came out, the fire of hope that was ignited by all the sisters was instantly chilled.

Rumors spread about the one who killed Qiandao, Han Shushu didn't seem to be out of favor, but he was clearly in the process of being favored.

All the sisters were weeping blood in their hearts, and their resentful gazes were all fixed on Han Shushu's back.

Who knows that Han Shushu dared to ignore Chu Mubai, pretending to be dumb and trying to get away with it.

Even if Chu Mubai didn't mention her name, all fools know that she is the one Chu Mubai called. This woman despises the imperial power and deserves to be punished!

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and wished they could crush this woman, Han Shushu.

But Han Shushu himself didn't have much idea.She hasn't figured out how to face Chu Mubai yet, she can get away with it if she can.

(End of this chapter)

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