The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1129 Abusing Nangong, Showing Love

Chapter 1129 Abusing Nangong, Showing Love (5)

"If you don't tell me, how can I prescribe the right medicine to get you out of the prison?" Han Shushu frowned and looked at Nangong.

If it wasn't for the fact that she once loved him so wholeheartedly, she wouldn't be in this muddy water.

After all, she and Nangong had two lifetimes of friendship, so she couldn't be indifferent to her.

"I deserve it. Five years ago, I committed a lot of crimes. I separated you from him for five years. He wanted me to live a life that was worse than death. Now he just wants to do what he wanted to do in the past five years." Nangong Guan He closed his eyes and said hoarsely.

The last thing he wanted was for Xiao Shu to see him in such a desolate state, it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

"I was the one who wanted to leave back then, and it has nothing to do with you. In fact, you saved his life five years ago. Don't worry, I will explain it to him, and he will listen to me at least." Han Shushu Said out of the cell.

She looked back at Nangong who was lying on the ground, "You don't have anything to hide from me, do you?"

Nangong shook his head weakly, not looking at Han Shushu.

The sound of Han Shushu's footsteps gradually faded away, Nangong opened his eyes and looked at the medicine bottle absently.

He put it in his nose and sniffed it. In addition to the smell of medicine, he seemed to smell the smell belonging to Xiaojiu.It may be light, but it is fascinating and addictive...

Han Shushu quickly went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and she found Chu Mubai in the study.

Chu Mubai was reviewing the memorial, as if he didn't see her coming.

She waited for a full quarter of an hour, but Chu Mubai didn't look up at her.

Could it be that Chu Mubai deliberately ignored her knowing that she came for Nangong?

After thinking about it, she took the lead to break the silence: "You should know that I went to the prison and met Nangong face to face. What happened five years ago has passed, and Leng Ying died. He is not living well now. Why? you still want--"

Chu Mubai raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were as dark as ink, maybe there was a vast ocean or thousands of stars hidden in them.

Her heart throbbed slightly, and she realized that even a look from him could affect her emotions.

"You still can't let him go!" Chu Mubai's voice was hoarse, and he uttered affirmative sentences.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The matter between me and him has long passed..."

"Since that's the case, what does his life or death have to do with you?" Chu Mubai showed a cold smile, and he grabbed Han Shushu's waist fiercely: "Now seeing him being tortured, does your heart ache?"

Han Shushu didn't make a sound, she shook her head: "I have nothing to do with him, you think too much."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Mubai pulled her to sit on his lap.

Chu Mubai pinched her chin viciously, his breathing was cold: "If I want his life, what should you do?"

"I have known him for more than 20 years. It is undeniable that I did like him in the past. But after meeting you, I have never liked a man other than you, and Nangong is no exception. He is my one An old acquaintance, a former friend. If you let me watch him die in front of me, I can remain indifferent, I really can't do it."

Han Shushu murmured absently.

Chu Mubai should have known five years ago that she is actually a benevolent woman.She clearly suffered a lot from Nangong, but she still couldn't help but watch him die.

In a person's life, it is actually very difficult to find someone who can be entangled with him for more than 20 years, no matter whether that person is his friend or not.

"Say it again?" Chu Mubai's voice awakened Han Shushu's drifting thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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