The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1132 Abusing Nangong, Showing Love

Chapter 1132 Abusing Nangong, Showing Love (8)

"I heard that I was not sincere. How about this, if you kiss me, I will believe you." Chu Mubai said, bringing his sexy and thin lips to Han Shushu's.

Han Shushu subconsciously glanced at Nangong's position, his face was on fire.

Chu Mubai is really too much, knowing that there is an outsider, but still let her kiss him, no matter how thick-skinned she is, she can't do such a thing...

"Don't you kiss? Does that mean that you are lying to me again?" Chu Mubai's eyes swept towards Nangong as if nothing.

Han Shushu could tell at a glance that Chu Mubai was threatening her.

If she didn't do so, Nangong would be thrown back into the sky prison and beaten to a bloody mess every day, life would be worse than death.

In desperation, she aimed at Chu Mubai's thin lips and kissed her, her face was on fire.

Hey, so shy.

Originally, he just wanted to kiss her and back away, but Chu Mubai took the opportunity to react passively and take the initiative. He bit her lips hard, pried open her teeth, and lingered wantonly in her mouth with his flexible tongue...

Nangong watched from the side with a blank expression, feeling like a knife was piercing his heart.

His fingernails pierced his palm without knowing it, he thought, Xiao Shu used to look at him and Leng Ying in such a loving and lingering way, and felt so much pain.

All the pain Chu Mubai inflicted on him now is all the pain he inflicted on Xiao Shu.

In this world, cause and effect have long been doomed, and there is a dilemma between love and hate.

He should restrain his feelings for Xiao Shu, he shouldn't be so obvious, otherwise Chu Mubai wouldn't attack him suddenly and humiliate him in this way.

After all, it was he who underestimated Chu Mubai that made him passive today.

No matter how Chu Mubai treats him, it doesn't matter to him.He couldn't bear Xiao Shu's sinking under his lips and teeth, Xiao Shu belonged to him, and Xiao Shu loved him first, she had been with him for 20 years, she could only be his——

Just when Nangong's eyes were spitting fire and he couldn't help but was about to explode, the two in the passionate kiss finally separated.

Han Shushu was out of breath, and only then remembered that Nangong was still there.

She hid in Chu Mubai's arms in embarrassment, her little face was flushed, and she didn't dare to raise her head to meet people.

"It's a child's mother, and it's so easy to be shy. Come on, tell me, do you love me or not..." When Chu Mubai said this, he looked at Nangong.

Every day from now on, he will cause Nangong more pain than today.

Today is just the beginning.

He wanted Nangong to see clearly whose woman Han Shushu was.

A woman who dares to covet him, Chu Mubai, dares to bear the consequences!
"Thirteen, can you stop making trouble?" Han Shushu punched Chu Mubai in the chest.

Chu Mubai was really too much. Knowing that Nangong was there, she still did things to her. No matter how bold she was, she was too embarrassed to show her love to Chu Mubai in front of Nangong.

"You just need to tell the truth. Look at Xiaoyao Wang, the injury is so serious, in fact, you should go to heal it earlier..."

Chu Mubai's words left Han Shushu with no way out.

She knew that if she didn't say what he wanted to hear, Nangong would have to continue to be humiliated by Chu Mubai in this way.

But Chu Mubai's method is too bad. Is it necessary to play so naively? People are in their decades...

"Thirteen, I love you!" Han Shushu whispered.

"My ears are not good, I can't hear clearly, so speak up." Chu Mubai looked at Nangong, whose face was as pale as paper, with a half-smile, and a sense of revenge that he had never had before surged in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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