The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1135 He protects her in his own way

Chapter 1135 He protects her in his own way (4)

After calming down all his emotions, Han Shushu began to help him change his clothes.

During this period, Chu Mubai touched her waist from time to time, and if he stopped kissing her mouth, he almost touched her whole body after changing clothes.

But seeing his serious appearance, people who don't know thought she was seducing him.

After leaving the South Courtyard, Chu Mubai went to the chariot.

Before he stepped on the chariot, he looked down at Han Shushu and whispered in his ear: "I don't want people to think that you are a woman who has harmed me. It is more appropriate for you to walk to the Taiji Hall, so that they can't find your fault."

Han Shushu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chu Mubai absent-mindedly, his heartbeat was chaotic again.

Five years ago, he went his own way, acted impulsively, and never minded the consequences.

Now he knows how to restrain himself, and he is also putting himself in her shoes, even when he is sick.

All along, she thought he was ignoring her, but it turned out that he was protecting her in his own way.

As for her, she is still so stupid as to care about who loves whom more.

"I like walking, I can exercise my body." Han Shushu let out a bright smile.

Chu Mubai held her little hand tightly, squeezed her soft fingers lightly, and then sat on the chariot.

After boarding the chariot, Chu Mubai didn't look sideways.On the way from the South Courtyard to the Taiji Hall, Han Shushu was never seen.

Han Shushu was very happy in his heart, and the smile on his face could not be concealed, flooding his entire face.

She felt like a nympho, always thinking about getting along with Chu Mubai.Thinking that this person cared so much about herself, she felt that happiness was so dreamlike, it was not real at all.

During the early dynasty, Han Shushu hid behind the curtain.

She didn't do anything, just listened through the curtain to the officials of the previous court to express their feelings to Chu Mubai.

When Chu Mubai spoke, his voice was up and down, as if he was singing, it sounded so good.

She really wished she could run to Chu Mubai and sit with him, even if she didn't say anything, it would be good.

At the end of the morning court, Chu Mubai did not make things difficult for Nangong, which surprised her.

According to the news she heard, Chu Mubai made things difficult for Nangong every day in the morning court, but today he didn't do anything. Could it be because she was behind the curtain?
The idea seemed to take root in her mind.She felt that this was what she thought, it must be so.

"Report to the emperor, the little prince has been in the palace for more than ten days, should he be crowned king as soon as possible?" At this moment, an official came out and asked.

"Yuanbao is still too young, so there is no rush to become king. If there is nothing else to do, retreat from the court." Chu Mubai's words stunned all civil and military officials.

Everyone knows that Chu Mubai likes Han Shushu.The little prince is also Han Shushu's son, logically speaking, he should have been crowned prince a long time ago.Now even the title of nobility is not conferred, which makes everyone puzzled.

Han Shushu heard it clearly from behind the curtain, and grinned the corners of his lips.

She knew that it was because Chu Mubai didn't want their mother and son to make too many enemies that they were not in a hurry to become king.

What she didn't understand before, she understands now.

Chu Mubai worked hard.

Chu Mubai only lifted the curtain when all the officials retreated from the Taiji Hall one by one and there were no outsiders.

When he saw the smiling woman, his heart warmed up.

The next moment, Han Shushu flew into his arms and bit his lower lip fiercely: "You bit me this morning, and I will bite you back..."

Chu Mubai looked at her deeply, and she narrowed her eyes with a smile: "It's hard to raise a woman and a villain. I am both a woman and a villain. Who wants you... um..."

(End of this chapter)

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