The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1137 He protects her in his own way

Chapter 1137 He protects her in his own way (6)

Chu Mubai just thinks that being the emperor is meaningless, and he doesn't even have time for his own woman.He wished he could be with her all the time, but with her by his side, he would be distracted and unable to do his business.

It's better to let her go as far away as possible, out of sight and out of sight.

Han Shushu didn't understand Chu Mubai's complicated thoughts. She ran out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, saw small stones along the way, and kicked them as Chu Mubai's head.

"Let me get lost, I'll trample you to death!" She said viciously as she trampled.

Thinking that she was too focused on walking, she threw herself directly into someone's arms.

The other party hurriedly straightened her body, she looked up and saw that it was Nangong, raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Nangong, what a coincidence."

Nangong smiled and nodded.

It was no coincidence that he knew she was in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and if she came out, he would be able to meet her by chance while waiting on the way back to the South Courtyard.

Chu Mubai asked him to stay in the palace, which was what he wished for, so that no matter day or night, he would always have a chance to meet her once, and it would be good to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

"Are you going to find Shisan? He's in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and he's processing the memorial. Let me tell you, he has such a weird temper and I can't stand him. You know, I'll help him grind ink and press— Mo, after enjoying himself, he actually disliked me and told me to go away. Really, I have never seen such a man who doesn't know what is good or bad..."

Han Shushu kept talking bad things about Chu Mubai, and when she got excited, she frothed all over the place, and she acted out Chu Mubai's expressions and movements when he spoke, which was wonderful.

After she finished imitating, Nangong looked at her with a smile on his lips.

It was only then that she remembered that he was also a prince, and she didn't have so much time to listen to her complaints: "Sorry, I wasted your time, you are busy with your work, I will go back to the South Courtyard."

"Since we met, I'll take you back and take a look at the little prince." Nangong said along the way.

He didn't like to hear Han Shushu talk about Chu Mubai, but when she mentioned that person, her eyes shone brightly, her face flushed, and her face was full of love.

After all, she liked Chu Mubai to a certain extent.

If one day someone pulls Chu Mubai down from the throne, or if Chu Mubai dies at his hands one day, will this woman hate him so much?
"You can just call him Yuanbao. Let me tell you, Yuanbao has a big temper. He has the same virtue as Thirteen. What kind of child is he really? He doesn't have the innocence of a younger child. God knows how to preach to me. He knows how to read military books at such a young age. I think in Yuan Bao's eyes, military books are better than my mother..."

When mentioning Yuanbao, Han Shushu chattered endlessly, with unconcealable love in his eyes.

Nangong was distracted and didn't like Han Shushu like this.

It seems that in her world, only Chu Mubai and Chu Mubai's children are left.

"Do you still remember the child you lost?" Nangong maliciously brought up the past.

Yeah, malicious.

He hoped to arouse Han Shushu's hatred for Chu Mubai.

Han Shushu was taken aback when he heard this.

It's been five years, Nangong didn't mention it today, she almost forgot that she had lost a child.

"Why don't you remember? It was that child who saved my life and made me lucky to survive. I fell in love with Shisan again and gave birth to Yuanbao." Han Shushu finished in a low voice, and took a long breath, "No Mention the unhappy things in the past. People have to look forward, and the most important thing is to grasp the happiness in front of them! You are too, the boss is not young, it is time to calm down."

(End of this chapter)

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