Chapter 1152 If This Is Not Love (5)

It wasn't until the little guy was called out of the study that Han Shushu handed the noodles to the little guy: "This way your father won't snatch it from you..."

She had just finished speaking when she heard a light cough from the person inside, probably dissatisfied with what she said.

"The noodles made by my mother are the best, with the taste of mother's love."

As soon as the little guy said this, Han Shushu suddenly smiled.

This child, with a small mouth that looks like it has been smeared with honey, is much cuter than Chu Mubai.

She felt that although the little guy didn't look like her, he had a sunny temper just like her.

Xiao Yuanbao finished eating the noodles contentedly, and then happily twisted her buttocks, which made Han Shushu grin the corners of her lips, unable to close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Go back to the study to accompany your father. Your father is not pleasing, you have to give him a little more, you know?" Han Shushu reminded with a smile.

The little guy nodded vigorously when he heard this: "I know!"

At this time, Chu Mubai coughed heavily again in the study, it was because they were upset that their mother and son were speaking ill of him behind his back.

After Han Shushu took the noodle bowl and went into the kitchen, Xiaocao came in to look for her, and said in a low voice, "Qin Ruyu is here again, just outside the South Courtyard. That woman knew that she was up to no good."

Qin Ruyu waited outside the South Courtyard for three consecutive days, wanting to see Han Shushu.

Han Shushu avoided seeing him, but Qin Ruyu didn't leave.

"Forget it, I'll go see her and see what she says." After Han Shushu hesitated, he still made a decision.

Her uneasiness stems from Qin Ruyu, she knows that there are some things that cannot be solved by escaping.

In particular, Qin Ruyu is a woman who can't be killed, just because Qin Ruyu is the only psychologist she knows.

Maybe only Qin Ruyu can cure Chu Mubai, this is where the contradiction lies.

Outside the South Courtyard, Han Shushu saw Qin Ruyu in a plain palace dress.

She only wears light makeup, has a cool demeanor, and has her own style.

Which man doesn't love such a woman?
When she saw Qin Ruyu looking directly into her eyes, she suddenly discovered that Qin Ruyu hated her.

"I talked to you once after entering the palace. I thought you would take the initiative to befriend me. Xiao Shu, I still underestimated you." Qin Ruyu walked into the south courtyard slowly and sat down on the swing.

She looked at the sprouting osmanthus tree, smiled lightly and said, "I heard that the osmanthus is the testimony of the love between you and the emperor. It's just that this osmanthus tree was cut down by your order. After so many years, it can still sprout again, isn't it God?" Are they all pitying you pair of fateful mandarin ducks?"

Han Shushu remained silent.

She knew that Qin Ruyu hadn't touched the point yet.

"What I don't understand is that it's fine for you and the emperor to fall in love with each other. Why did you break up Nangong and me. Do you know that there was a time in my previous life when I liked you very much..."

Qin Ruyu looked at Han Shushu with complicated eyes, and the hatred in her eyes grew stronger.

Han Shushu nodded knowingly.

"Of course you like me, because I'm Nangong's follower. One day when I'm here, I can prove how much Nangong loves you. You have found a sense of superiority in me, an ugly duckling." Han Shushu lifted his lips and sneered.

"But you never knew that your existence was a thorn in my heart. No matter where Nangong went, he would always take you with him. I didn't want to see you at first, but he said you were his family. He still Said, no matter where you are, even if he is married, he will take you by his side..."

Speaking of this, Qin Ruyu had bone-biting hatred in his eyes: "Did you know that sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and calls you by your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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