Chapter 1162 I will take you to kill (7)

"Really?" Han Shushu disagreed.

She doesn't need so many people to like her, she just wants a thirteen.

"Of course. Even without Chu Mubai, you still have a few other men to choose from. Why don't men like me? Also as a woman, I look better than you. Why are you more attractive to men than me... ..."

Qin Changting was still chattering, Han Shushu had already walked out of Xiaoyao Palace.

"Xiao Yuanbao, is your mother prettier or me?" Qin Changting looked at the handsome boy and asked, his face full of anticipation.

"You are not worthy to carry shoes for my mother."

The little guy's words almost made Qin Changting vomit blood.

Damn kid, do you want to be so poisonous?

How old is this?When he grows up in the future, this kid won't be mad at him?
A group of people quickly went to the food street.

Xiao Yuanbao knew how to restrain himself at a very young age.

He looked at Qin Changting who was devouring it with disdain, and when he saw Han Shushu, the child's eyes were full of admiration.

As expected of his mother, this temperament and demeanor are really beautiful.

He will marry such a beautiful woman as his wife in the future...

"Yuan Bao doesn't look right at you." Qin Changting caught Xiao Yuan Bao's erratic eyes.

"Well, this child has a bit of Oedipus complex. He always thinks that I am the most beautiful woman in the world!" Han Shushu grinned triumphantly, revealing two rows of white teeth, showing a naive look.

Her smile made Nangong pause.

His eyes were gloomy, and he looked at Han Shushu absent-mindedly, his heart beating faster.

Although he knew that it was impossible for Han Shushu to fall in love with him, he couldn't control his frisky heart.

He clearly knew that she was in the palace, living in the attic not far from him, but he never dared to take a step beyond Lei Chi, for fear of scaring her away.

"Shu Shu, I heard that the Beauty Square is very interesting, why don't we go there for a while and then go back to the palace?" Qin Changting approached Han Shushu and smiled at her.

"I really want to take you there, what should I do if Chu Yingchen blames me?" Han Shushu asked quietly.

He is now the regent, under one person, above ten thousand, so it is not easy to offend.

"There are many beauties in his house, so he won't care about me. If you can, please take me to play once." Qin Changting simply hugged Han Shushu's arm and acted like a baby.

Han Shushu thought for a while, then took another look at Xiao Yuanbao.

Her son is still so young, wouldn't it be a good idea to go to that kind of place with all kinds of education?

"Okay, Yuan Bao is like a little adult, there is nothing wrong with taking him to see the world early." Qin Changting said that the wind is like rain, and took the little guy's little hand.

Han Shushu had no objection this time.

She also wanted to try her luck at Beauty Square.

As for my son, he is actually very mature, at worst, he should just take a stroll in Dufang instead of going to places like Meirenlou.

In this way, the two women took a child to the Beauty Square.

Nangong followed behind them unhurriedly.

It was already night when they entered the beauty workshop.

After all, it was early autumn, and it got dark early.

Beauty Square is bustling with people coming and going.

Because of Nangong's powerful background, Han Shushu and Qin Changting went directly to the blocking table on the second floor.

Han Shushu stayed in Kongkong Valley for five years and became Ge Kongkong's closed disciple, so it was natural for him to be quick.

This point is also very domineering when used in table blocking.

At their table, Han Shushu has always been winning, and the others are already red-eyed.

However, Han Shushu played ruthlessly, and put all his bets on the last game.

(End of this chapter)

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