Chapter 1164 Guarding Yourself for Life (1)

The little boy's beads are round and jade-like, and the powder is carved with jade, but he has the aura of a nobleman at a young age.

Especially the little boy's little face looks exactly like his own, this strange sense of familiarity can't fool anyone.

Chu Mubai felt that this little boy must be his own flesh and blood.

Han Shushu's face turned pale when she heard the words, she hurriedly pushed the little Yuanbao behind her, shook her head and denied: "Yuanbao has nothing to do with the emperor..."

"I will find out about this matter!" Chu Mubai glanced at the little Yuanbao hiding behind Han Shushu again, then went downstairs without looking back, and left the gambling house.

Han Shushu was in a state of confusion from the beginning to the end.

She didn't expect to meet Chu Mubai in Beauty Square, and she didn't expect Chu Mubai to believe that Yuan Bao was his flesh and blood as soon as he saw Yuan Bao.

If Chu Mubai robbed her of her son, what would she do?
What did she use to fight Chu Mubai for the custody of the child?

"Shu Shu, don't worry, maybe the emperor will forget about this soon..." Qin Changting just spoke, and Han Shushu gave him a hard stare.

She shifted her gaze guiltily.

It's over, she was the one who forced Han Shushu to play in the Beauty Square, who would have met Chu Mubai here?

Today's Chu Mubai doesn't recognize his relatives. If he wants something, it's just a matter of words.

But she didn't know that she would meet Chu Mubai, did she?

It was half an hour before Chu Mubai returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Qin Ruyu was waiting in Nuan Pavilion, when she saw him come back, she greeted him happily, and said crisply: "Your Majesty, please wait for me. The medicinal food prepared by my concubine has the effect of calming the nerves. Your Majesty, drink the soup first."

Chu Mubai nodded slightly, took a sip of soup and said, "Is Han Shushu's child mine?"

Qin Ruyu's complexion changed slightly, and soon she returned to normal, and smiled back: "The emperor is indeed wise, and he can tell at a glance that Shu Shu's child is a prince. Could it be that the emperor wants to take the little prince into the palace? You know, little prince The prince is Shu Shu's life-root—"

"Since he is a prince, there is no reason to live among the people." Chu Mubai interrupted Qin Ruyu.

Qin Ruyu smiled slightly, and took the soup bowl.

"If you have something to say, you might as well just say it." Chu Mubai glanced at Qin Ruyu, and saw that she was hesitant to speak.

"Yuan Bao was born in a bundle after all, and the relationship between mother and child cannot be doubted. If the emperor brings the little prince into the palace like this, and separates their mother and child, my concubine feels that this is always against ethics..."

As Qin Ruyu said, she quietly looked at Chu Mubai.

"Get to the point." Qin Ruyu opened his mouth impatiently.

"The concubine thinks that since the little prince is going to be brought into the palace, shouldn't Shu Shu also be brought into the palace—"

"Ridiculous! Han Shushu belongs to King Xiaoyao, if Han Shushu enters the palace, what will the world think of me?" Chu Mubai interrupted Qin Ruyu.

Hearing this, Qin Ruyu couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, it has changed.In the past, for Han Shushu, the secular ethics were always ignored.It's all right now, as long as the small ones are not big, and thanks to Han Shushu who gave everything for Chu Mubai, he ended up being abandoned like her.

Chu Mubai saw the weird smile on Qin Ruyu's face, but he had no desire to explore.

Qin Ruyu is different from him.After all, his illness was cured by her, but that was all, he would not allow this woman to dictate the affairs of the harem.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Qin Ruyu replied crisply, lowering her eyes.

The moment she stepped out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she slammed the soup bowl on the ground, inexplicably angry.

(End of this chapter)

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