Chapter 1169 Guarding Yourself for Life (6)

The more Han Shushu wanted to hide, the more he aroused Chu Mubai's interest.

Qin Ruyu herself didn't know why she wanted Han Shushu to stay in the palace. Maybe she needed someone to tell her that there is still true love in this world, even if the woman who got true love was Han Shushu, her former love rival.

In fact, she was very jealous of Han Shushu.In her previous life she was jealous of that woman, but in this life she is still unable to get out of this vicious circle.

"It's just a vulgar fan." Chu Mubaifeng frowned slightly, and didn't think there was anything good about that woman Han Shushu.

It's just that the woman's lowered eyebrows look too obtrusive, she shouldn't be like this...

"But even a vulgar fan like her can make Qin Zhuiyue remember all these years. Even King Xiaoyao tried his best to get her—"

Qin Ruyu's words attracted Chu Mubai's sharp eyes.

Qin Ruyu pretended not to see it, and said in a soft voice: "Shu Shu is very attractive. Optimistic, humorous, cute, and good-looking. I heard that even Chu Shiyu once I have thought about Shu Shu, but..."

Qin Ruyu stopped at the point and did not continue.

However, Chu Shiyu knew that he couldn't beat Chu Mubai, so he chose to retreat in spite of the difficulties and save his family.

Not everyone is Qin Zhuiyue or Nangong, they tried their best to leave a place in Han Shushu's heart.

They even joined forces to defeat Chu Mubai.

Now it's not exactly what they want, Chu Mubai no longer remembers everything he has done for Han Shushu.

Qin Ruyu felt a little tired, so she fell asleep.

As for when Chu Mubai left, she was not interested in knowing.

She felt that Chu Mubai still had a chance, and he still had a chance to win Han Shushu back.

At that time, whether it is Nangong or Qin Zhuiyue, they can only be defeated by Chu Mubai.

If you ask her why she helped Han Shushu, it may be because she wants Nangong to taste the ecstasy of going to heaven and then being thrown into hell.

Just like she did at the beginning, she thought she could finally get what she wanted, but Nangong told her that the person he loved has always been Han Shushu.

At that moment, her heart was smashed to pieces, and she was in so much pain...

An hour later.

An uninvited guest came to Yincui Palace, and of course it was the person she had been waiting for—Nangong.

"Why do you want to get in the way and bring them together? I can send you to the palace, and I can also kill you quietly!" Nangong stepped forward, grabbed Qin Ruyu's collar, with a gloomy expression.

"I've died a few times anyway, so what's the point of dying again? Young Master Nan, it's too late. I've already sent Xiao Shu to Chu Mubai. Just guess, Xiao Shu is Didn't it already attract Chu Mubai's attention..."

Her voice faded away, and Nangong pinched her neck more and more.

The weird smile on her face kept widening.

Even if she is dead at this moment, what she wants to do has been achieved without any regrets.And being able to die in the hands of Nangong is also her blessing, isn't it?
Nangong let go of his hand at the last moment, and he shook his sleeves angrily and left.

He quickly went to the imperial hospital, the moment he saw Han Shushu, he directly grabbed her hand: "Come out of the palace with me!"

Han Shushu struggled for a while, and then felt that it would be fine to leave the palace, so he stopped struggling: "I'll just leave the palace with you. It's just that the emperor is there, you may have to explain..."

(End of this chapter)

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