Chapter 1171 Guarding Yourself for Life (8)

"My lord, the imperial decree cannot be violated, please don't make it difficult for me, my lord."

When looking at Han Shushu, Chu Yun immediately changed his face, and said with a pleasant expression, "Girl, please get on the chariot. The little prince is so happy to learn that the girl is entering the palace today..."

Han Shushu, who was still hesitating at first, got on the chariot decisively this time. She looked at Nangong with a gloomy face and said, "Go back to the palace first, I'll go back later."

Nangong just looked at her coldly. Seeing this, she stopped talking.

Not long after, the chariot went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Han Shushu saw the little baby waiting in front of the hall, her eyes were red.

"Mother!" Xiao Yuanbao jumped on her excitedly, wrapping her neck tightly.

The little guy who was unwilling to kiss her before even slapped her face hard. She cried and laughed, feeling that her son had grown back.In the past, when he kissed him once, he always had a bad face, but now he still knows to take the initiative to kiss her.

"Improper!" Chu Mubai looked aside for a while, then spoke coldly.

Isn't it just three days since we won't see each other, is it necessary to look like we are parting from each other?

Only then did Han Shushu realize that Chu Mubai was also on the sidelines.

She hastily wiped away her tears, held the little guy's hand, and wanted to take her for a walk around the palace.

Unexpectedly, Wanxin blocked her way, as a gesture of embarrassment: "The emperor means that the girl can only talk to the little prince in the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Han Shushu responded, his gaze fixed on Xiao Yuanbao's face.

Seeing the little guy's face was equivalent to seeing Chu Mubai's face. She had to hold back and try not to look at Chu Mubai, otherwise she might lose her composure.

In this way, Han Shushu took Yuan Bao's hand into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Chu Mubai followed behind their mother and son, and all he saw was the top of Han Shushu's head from the beginning to the end.

"Mother, the imperial palace is not fun, I want to go out of the palace with mother." Yuan Bao held Han Shushu's hand tightly, with resentment in his eyes.

Han Shushu: "..."

She is not the emperor and has no right to take Xiao Yuanbao away.

After a full quarter of an hour, Han Shushu saw that Chu Mubai was still by their side, and couldn't help lowering his head and said to Chu Mubai: "The emperor is a busy person, why don't the emperor do business first, it's very easy for a girl to talk to Yuan Bao Let's go soon."

"He is my prince, and his status is dignified. If he is not careful, and there is a slight mistake, can you afford it?" Chu Mubai's voice hummed from his nose.

"Mother, don't talk to him, he has such virtues." Yuan Bao said, pulling Han Shushu aside.

From the corner of Han Shushu's eyes, he glanced at Chu Mubai. Seeing his dark face, he knew that the emperor boy was angry.

Didn't Chu Mubai feel bored watching their mother and son talking?
Just when Han Shushu was struggling, Zhao Jinzhong ran in and said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Chen is waiting outside."

"Xuan." After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he looked specifically at Han Shushu.

Han Shushu didn't look at him at all, and kept talking to Yuan Bao.

Han Shushu wished that someone would divert Chu Mubai's attention. She was just about to say something with Yuan Bao, but Chu Mubai flew out of the sky: "I intend to let Concubine Chen discipline Yuan Bao..."

"No!" Han Shushu replied loudly, frightened.

As soon as she said this, she saw Chu Mubai's unpredictable expression.

Her palms were sweating, she lowered her eyelids, and added, "Yuan Bao is very smart and doesn't need anyone to discipline him!"

If Chu Mubai dares to hand over the ingot to An Sujing, she will fight him desperately!

"The concubine is willing to relieve the emperor's worries." An Sujing answered in a crisp voice.

(End of this chapter)

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