Chapter 1179

"Did you think that this palace would be generous enough to allow you to get Xiao Shu, and live a life with her as a fairy couple? King Xiaoyao, I'm telling you that if I'm not happy, you can't even think about being happy. Bengong will see that your life is worse than death, you can see Han Shushu, but you will never get her!"

Qin Ruyu yelled hoarsely, and threw a cup of hot teapot on Nangong.

Nangong didn't back down and let the teapot and tea splash all over his body.

For this woman, he was always at fault. After all, he owed her, and he owed her...

Nangong took a deep look at Qin Ruyu, and pursed his lips softly: "I still hope you can let Xiaoshu go. I also believe that one day you will be able to marry Xiaoshu—"

"King Xiaoyao, why don't you die?!" Qin Ruyu rushed to Nangong angrily, and slapped him twice on the face.

Nangong easily restrained her arm, and said word by word: "I keep you because you are still valuable. If you dare to block my way again, I will remove your blocking stone without hesitation. no sooner said than done!"

The anger on Qin Ruyu's face gradually dissipated, and she showed a strange smile, "Let's wait and see. I want to see if you finally embrace the beauty, or I will make a good marriage happen."

Nangong looked at Qin Ruyu for a while, then left without saying a word.

He never thought that one day he would turn against Qin Ruyu, let alone that Qin Ruyu would be his enemy...

After Nangong left, Qin Ruyu threw everything in the hall, but it was still not enough to relieve the hatred in her heart.

She wanted to see how Nangong regretted it. The more Nangong wanted to get Han Shushu, the more she wanted to send Han Shushu to Chu Mubai's dragon couch!

A strange smile appeared on Qin Ruyu's face.

After the palace maid tidied up the mess in the palace, Qin Ruyu raised her lips and said, "Xiaozhu, go and bring Han Shushu to Yincui Palace. I'm not feeling well, so I ordered her to come quickly to treat my illness. After looking for Han Shushu Shu Shu, you can go to the emperor again and tell me that I am seriously ill."

Xiaozhu led the way.

Half an hour later, Han Shushu came to Yincui Palace.

Seeing Qin Ruyu's disheveled hair and pale face, she frowned slightly.

She just approached Qin Ruyu, wanting to feel her pulse, but Qin Ruyu clasped her wrist tightly: "Xiao Shu, do you know how much I hate you?"

The saddest thing is that she was the one who apologized to Han Shushu first.She forced Han Shushu back with vicious tricks, but in the end she still lost in Han Shushu's hands.

"Put down the hatred, maybe you will feel better." Han Shushu patted Qin Ruyu's hand lightly.

She has deeply experienced the feeling of not being able to love, she can understand Qin Ruyu's mood, not to mention, Qin Ruyu is such a proud woman.

"Don't hate, do you want to continue to love?" Qin Ruyu smiled ironically.

A man like Nangong might also disdain her cheap love.

Han Shushu has never been betrayed by the man she loves, so naturally she can't understand how much her heart hurts at the moment.

"You have to relax. A woman should always treat herself better. If others don't love you, you should love yourself well..." Qin Ruyu dragged Han Shushu to the couch before he could finish his sentence.

"Come up and talk to me."

Han Shushu was a little uncomfortable, but Qin Ruyu's enthusiasm made her wary.

"Come up quickly, if you don't go to bed with me, I will sue the emperor, saying that you are disrespectful to me, and I will let him chop off your head!"

(End of this chapter)

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