The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1189 The emperor pretends to be sick: give me a few needles

Chapter 1189 The emperor pretends to be sick: give me a few needles (2)

Han Shushu looked at himself in the mirror and found that his lower lip was damaged.

Strange, I was fine before going to bed last night, why did I get hurt when I woke up?
She couldn't figure out the reason, so she had breakfast in a hurry before heading to Tai Hospital.

I don't know if it was because of Zhang Cairen's case yesterday that everyone was alerted. When she entered the imperial hospital, the attitude of the imperial doctors was much better than the previous two days.Even Hu Yuanshi is not as bossy as yesterday, and his attitude is much better.

Afterwards, Wanxin also followed in.

As soon as Wanxin entered the imperial hospital, all the imperial doctors got up and saluted Wanxin respectfully.

"Girl, just tell them if you have anything to do. After all, the girl is also the biological mother of the little prince. If anyone dares to disrespect you, you can tell me or Chu Yun directly." Wan Xin's voice was not too loud, but enough Let everyone in the hospital hear it.

Hu Yuanshi served tea in person: "Miss Wanxin, if you have time, I will often come to Taiyuan Hospital for a small sit in the future."

"I want to serve the emperor, so I don't have so much time to go to the imperial hospital. Master Hu, I'm not afraid to say the ugly things first. If the girl has troubles in the imperial hospital, let alone Mr. Hu, you can't afford it. The family will also be affected. I know that there are empresses in the harem going to the imperial hospital, but some people still need to see the situation clearly."

After Wanxin finished speaking in a cold voice, she said respectfully to Han Shushu: "Young lady, if you need someone, go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to find a servant girl. The servant girl will leave first."

Han Shushu was unable to speak from the beginning to the end.

After all, Wanxin was also doing it for her own good.

After Wanxin came, Hu Yuanshi's attitude was even more respectful and polite, but he didn't serve her as a leader.

Later, she simply went to Chuxiu Palace to give Zhang Cairen a follow-up consultation.

Zhang Cairen's complexion improved a lot. When he saw Han Shushu, he immediately stepped forward happily: "Master Han is here, please sit down."

"You look good, but is there any discomfort?" Han Shushu said, taking Zhang Cairen's pulse.

"I'm already cured. Master Han's medical skills are really good." Zhang Cairen replied with a smile, staring at Han Shushu intently.

Han Shushu was puzzled: "Why do you look at me like this?"

"I heard that Master Han lived in the Hall of Mental Cultivation yesterday, right?" Zhang Cairen asked curiously.

Only then did Han Shushu know that Zhang Cairen was gossiping.

She coughed lightly, changed the subject and said: "You have just recovered from a serious illness. Although you are no longer vomiting and diarrhea, your body is still weak. I will prescribe a prescription to boost your energy and nourish your spirit. You take it three times a day. Also, go out more when you have time. Basking in the sun and exercising more is good for your body.”

She wrote the prescription, and a court lady entered.

The moment she saw each other clearly, she found that the two maids she saw yesterday were gone, could it be...

"These two maids are newcomers. It is said that the original two maids have been executed." Zhang Cairen deliberately lowered his voice: "It is the emperor's intention."

Han Shushu was slightly taken aback, thinking to himself how quickly Chu Mubai handled the matter, and he acted decisively without leaving any room for it.

"Lord Han is always different in the emperor's heart." Zhang Cairen added with a smile.

Han Shushu smiled and said, "Take good care of yourself. If you feel unwell, just send someone to look for me in the Imperial Hospital. I'll leave first."

"It's easy for Mr. Han to go." Zhang Cairen sent Han Shushu out of the house with fascinated eyes.

Not every woman is Han Shushu, and not every woman has such an experience as Han Shushu.

If you have such a person in your life, what else can you ask for?

(End of this chapter)

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