The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1208 Don't cry, it's my fault

Chapter 1208 Don’t cry, it’s my fault (5)

Seeing that Han Shushu was silent, Lin Xiayu said again earnestly: "You remember to seize the opportunity, and don't let other concubines take advantage of it."

Han Shushu's eyes were a little stinging, she nodded vigorously, and wrapped Lin Xia's thin body tightly with the cloak: "Go back and have a good rest, and you will be fine after drinking the medicine. I will see you after seeing the emperor."

She knew that because of her existence, there were many frustrated people in the harem, and Lin Xia and Chu Qiao were among the unfortunate ones.

They had an intersection with her five years ago.Would they be better off than they are now without her?
Sometimes she feels that maybe it's because she and Chu Mubai have stepped on too many people's misfortunes to be happy, that's why there are so many quarrels between them.

But she also felt that the relationship that has gone through wind and rain will be stronger, so she has not been afraid of these hardships.

When she went to the dragon's couch, Han Shushu was still a little depressed. She always thought of the people and things she met in those years.

When Chu Mubai saw Han Shushu's low eyebrows, he raised her chin and asked in a low voice, "Who made you unhappy?"

Han Shushu was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly Chu Mubai would be so affectionate to him, as if they were a young couple.

She turned her head away uncomfortably, avoiding his touch: "My minister is helping the emperor to see a doctor."

She took Chu Mubai's pulse, and silently withdrew her hand: "The emperor's body is fine, and he is not sick."

What palpitations and vomiting, this man is as strong as a cow, what is wrong with him?

Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yun, and Chu Yun understood, and said, "Miss, I don't know, the emperor just vomited for a while, and he is still not feeling well. Miss, take the pulse carefully!"

Han Shushu didn't understand what the master and servant were doing, she took the pulse again and the result was the same.

"My minister's medical skills are shallow, and I really can't diagnose what disease the emperor has. Why don't you let other imperial doctors come to see the emperor." Han Shushu said and stood up, suddenly feeling aggrieved for no reason.

What is this, even if he doesn't remember himself, can he throw it away when he doesn't want to see her, and come to her again when he wants to see her?

She is not his easy toy, why should he call her around?
She is not such a strong woman, seeing that the man she loves doesn't love her anymore, she has to pretend to be unfamiliar with him every time, pretending that she doesn't care about him that much...

"Gu, girl..."

Seeing that Han Shushu's eyes suddenly turned red, Chu Yun was terrified.

He quietly looked at Chu Mubai, then at Han Shushu who was turning his back and wiping tears, and suddenly felt that it was better for him to leave.

Wanxin felt the same way, the two exchanged winks and left the bedroom.

Chu Mubai had never seen a woman cry.

When Han Shushu sobbed with his back turned to him, his heart tightened inexplicably.

He forgot that he was pretending to be sick, got off the dragon couch, went to Han Shushu, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't cry, it's my fault..."

The woman was red, with a little teardrops on her small nose, and a little tear on her long eyelashes, her big eyes were wet, like a wounded animal.

He awkwardly stretched out his long fingers to wipe away the tears from her pink cheeks.

It turns out that the woman looks good when she cries, but the red eyes make him feel unexplainably uncomfortable.

The heart also softened, as if it had been softened by her tears.

Seeing Chu Mubai looking at him tenderly, Han Shushu forgot the difference in their identities...

(End of this chapter)

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