Chapter 1216 The Emperor Cooks (5)

Seeing Chu Mubai's pretentious and reserved appearance, Han Shushu couldn't help but think of Xiao Yuanbao.

It turns out that Yuan Bao's hypocrisy and arrogance have been passed down to Chu Mubai...

Han Shushu's beautiful eyes were half-curved, and he was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear: "It's really delicious."

She scooped up a spoonful of soup and brought it to Chu Mubai's lips. Chu Mubai took a sip and found it tasteless.

But seeing her happy smile, I felt that the soup tasted really good.

"The emperor is a genius!"

After Han Shushu took a bite of the vegetables, he was full of admiration.

Whether it is the color, taste, or saltiness of the vegetables, they are all just right.

Those who don't know must be hard to believe that this is Chu Mubai's first time cooking.

Moreover, he is the king who governs the country, and this kind of intention alone has already flattered her.

"Do you like to eat?" Chu Mubai gently rubbed Han Shushu's velvety hair, with a touch of tenderness unconsciously in his brows and eyes.

He subconsciously felt that this woman deserved the best.

Han Shushu nodded vigorously: "I really like it."

It is sweet in the mouth and warm in the heart.

Too happy to be real, she really likes Thirteen now.

"From then on, I will make it for you every day..."

Chu Mubai's words made Han Shushu, who was drinking soup, choke heavily.

She stared dumbfounded at the handsome man who was deserted, and mumbled, "This...isn't that good?"

He has a lot of things to do every day, but he is the emperor of the dynasty, how can he cook for her every day?

"It's fine if I agree." Chu Mubai replied calmly, looking at Han Shushu intently.

In fact, he has been having the same dream recently.

In the dream, there was a woman whose face could not be seen clearly.She stood under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree looking up at him, and softly called him Thirteen.

Fragmented sweet-scented osmanthus lingered around her, even if he couldn't see her face clearly, he knew she was smiling at him, and even said to him, Thirteen, I love you so much...

He knew that this woman had special meaning to him, but he didn't know who she was.

Now he has an intuition that the woman who always falls into his dreams is Han Shushu.

However, she never called him Thirteen, she always called him Emperor respectfully, and always lowered her brows and eyes, not looking at him directly.

"Why is the emperor so nice to me all of a sudden?"

Han Shushu muttered.

She was full of joy, but also full of fear. She hoped that he would remember her, but she was afraid that she would harm him again.

"Is there a reason to be nice to someone?" Chu Mubai gently wiped the oil stains on the corners of her lips, his eyebrows and eyes were picturesque.

Han Shushu broke free from the tenderness in his eyes, she moved away from him uncomfortably, and continued to drink soup.

Forget it, it's better not to think about anything.

She finished the soup, and then finished the two dishes, her belly was full.

Chu Mubai ordered Wanxin to clean up the table, and said to her, "I'll do it here tonight, and you can help me make clothes tomorrow when you have time."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Han Shushu stared blankly at Chu Mubai's elegant back going away, and squeezed his face hard, it hurt so much, it was real, not a dream.

She just ate the dishes and soup made by Chu Mubai himself.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing.

When Wanxin came in, she saw Han Shushu standing there alone, giggling.

"Miss, are you thinking about the emperor again? The emperor has gone to take a bath, and the girl has to wash herself later so that she can sleep with her." Wanxin smiled ambiguously at Han Shushu.

Han Shushu's face turned red, and then he began to think wildly again.

(End of this chapter)

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