The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1227 The plague strikes, life and death are shared

Chapter 1227 Plague strikes, life and death together (1)

"Damn girl, I don't know what you're talking about." Han Shushu finally regained his composure, and didn't bother to pay attention to Wanxin who made fun of her.

She went to Dongge to find Yuanbao.

The little guy got impatient for a long time, and when he saw her coming, he threw himself into her arms happily.

"Little Yuanbao is waiting for you and wants you to help him take a bath." Xiaocao stepped forward to explain.

Han Shushu couldn't ask for more.

She got ready for the bath and scrubbed the little guy clean from top to bottom.

Thinking back to when Yuan Bao was just born, he was only a little bit old, and in a blink of an eye, he was a little boy.When Xiao Yuanbao grows up a bit, I'm afraid she will despise her as a mother, right?
At the moment when Han Shushu was feeling emotional, he felt that there was an extra person behind him.

She looked back and saw Chu Mubai standing behind her.

Afterwards, he also squatted down, and together with her, helped Xiao Yuanbao take a bath.

Han Shushu's heart warmed up. They are like this, they are a real family, right?
Xiao Yuanbao glanced at Han Shushu who was smiling shyly and timidly, and then at Chu Mubai who was seriously wiping his palms, feeling a little confused.

Did his father and mother who didn't love him very much suddenly fall in love with him?

For a while, the little guy felt faintly excited, maybe he could still sleep with Han Shushu at night.

Chu Mubai carried the little guy out of the bathtub, wiped his little body clean, and taught him in a low voice: "You are a five-year-old child, don't let your mother help you with bathing in the future, you should Learn to take care of yourself."

Xiao Yuanbao's round face suddenly collapsed, he liked Han Shushu to help him take a bath.But Chu Mubai is right, he is a man and shouldn't let his mother work hard for him.

"Your Majesty, he is still young, how can such a young child take a bath by himself?" Han Shushu interjected, it was her welfare to help her son take a bath, and she liked it the most.

As a result, Chu Mubai glanced at her, and she immediately became useless.

Since Chu Mubai recovered from her illness, she found that she was becoming more and more hopeless.Every time he glared at her, she would be completely overwhelmed by his aura.

In fact, this can only be blamed on Chu Mubai's dragon prestige.

Chu Mubai helped Xiao Yuanbao dress neatly. At this time, Zhao Jinzhong went inside and said: "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine is waiting outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, claiming that she has something to see the Emperor, according to the Emperor?"

"Xuan." Chu Mubai said, handed the ingot into Han Shushu's arms, and left the East Pavilion without looking back.

Han Shushu watched Chu Mubai walk away, and then thought of Qin Ruyu, that woman with deep plans.

If no one protects Chu Mubai's innocence, maybe Qin Ruyu will kill Chu Mubai, should she be closer?
But Chu Mubai didn't declare to her, what name did she use to meet him?
Today is different from the past, he is no longer the former Chu Mubai...

Han Shushu was entangled, and Chu Mubai ordered to meet Qin Ruyu in the Nuan Pavilion.

"The courtiers and concubines see the emperor." Qin Ruyu greeted with a crisp voice.

She came here tonight after dressing up specially.Not only did she put on exquisite makeup, but also her hair accessories and clothes were carefully arranged, so she hoped that she could attract Chu Mubai's attention with her appearance.

Who knows that Chu Mubai never looked at her directly, but just asked lightly: "What do you want to see me for?"

Qin Ruyu didn't expect Chu Mubai's opening remark to be this one. She pursed her red lips lightly, lowered her eyes and said, "I just want to see the emperor, so I came here on my own initiative. If the emperor wants to blame me, I will be willing to accept the punishment."

Chu Mubai raised his eyes and finally looked at Qin Ruyu squarely.

(End of this chapter)

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