The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1230 The plague strikes, life and death are shared

Chapter 1230 Plague strikes, life and death together (4)

"The servant is happy for the girl. Although the emperor is a little colder than before, he is really obsessed with the girl..." Han Shushu chased after Wanxin, and then went to Chu Mubai's room bedroom.

Chu Mubai was reading a book. Seeing her coming, he gave up his seat.

Although he had done all kinds of intimate things with Chu Mubai before, Han Shushu was still a little uncomfortable seeing such a calm and calm man.

The man in front of him was usually dignified and alienated, and he didn't show much expression when he saw her. Even if she came, his eyes never moved away from the book of war.

The warm and dim yellow light reflected on his sharp and angular handsome face, flickering between bright and dark, only felt that this person was a little more unpredictable and incomprehensible.He exudes a kind of handsomeness and indifference that should not be approached by strangers all over his body, which really makes her feel uneasy.

Sometimes she has the illusion that this is not the Thirteen she knew before.

Maybe the man she knew well would never come back again.

With complicated emotions, Han Shushu lingered on the couch, trying to climb to the inside of the dragon bed.

She tried to move as little as possible, so as not to disturb Chu Mubai.Unexpectedly, when she was striding forward, Chu Mubai suddenly exerted force, and she lay on top of him uncontrollably, her long hair scattered all over him, her lips were pressed against his chest, her posture was not just awkward , and some indecent.

Before she could react, Chu Mubai had already started to play with her body.

She tried her best not to move, and let Chu Mubai do it.

When she came to her senses, her body was leaning against his arms, and her head was resting on his arms.

Being so close, she could hear his shallow breathing, one by one, hitting her heart, which actually made her a little crazy.

His arms were strong and powerful, and her cheek was pressed against the thick warmth, and for a moment, she felt a little ashamed.After all, beside her is a **** man, the most beautiful man in Nanchu.

She was lucky enough to be so close to him. With a dirty nature, she couldn't help but blushed.

Chu Mubai read the book for a while, and when he lowered his eyes, he saw the blush on Han Shushu's beautiful cheeks.Under the dim light, I only feel that it is beautiful, pure and moving.

She is not the kind of woman who is particularly stunning at first glance, but is gentle and gentle, a bit like the kind of young girl from Jiangnan's daughter's family. Before she knew it, she was refreshing, making it hard for him to let go.

Just like Qin Ruyu, she has a face very similar to Han Shushu.

In Qin Ruyu's body, it is another kind of pride and coldness. Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary men, such a woman makes men want to conquer even more.

As far as he is concerned, he prefers Han Shushu's subtle elegance, which is enough to move and delight him.

"What are you thinking about?"

Chu Mubai glanced at Han Shushu, and then continued to read the military book.

Han Shushu pursed his lips and smiled, then shook his head and replied, "I just think it's strange to lie with you and read military books like this."

She herself never touches such things as military books. In her opinion, such books are too complicated and difficult to understand, and her simple brain cannot absorb such knowledge.

Bisheng Chu Mubai likes this kind of books the most, even their children like it very much.

So she felt that the miracle of the Creator made her amazed.

Chu Mubai didn't answer, as if he had no desire to answer.

At this time, Han Shushu remembered that every time Chu Mubai saw her, he would pull her to have sex.

(End of this chapter)

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