The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1234 The plague strikes, life and death are shared

Chapter 1234 Plague strikes, life and death together (8)

The heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines are more or less effective, such as Coptidis Rhizome, Banlangen and Forsythia, etc. These are all effective medicines for treating plague.There is also Artemisia annua, the reaction after taking this medicine is also very good.

Although it is not possible to directly cure the disease, it can at least delay the onset of the disease.

As long as she has enough time to prepare the prescription, she is confident that she will be able to prepare the antidote and get out of the predicament.

Immediately, Han Shushu's spirit was lifted, he hurriedly searched for a good prescription, made a concoction, and gave it to everyone in the Tai Hospital.

The symptoms of the others were relieved after taking the medicine, only Lu Yuanjuan's breath was very weak.

Han Shushu got needles on Lu Yuanpan's various acupuncture points, then fed Lu Yuanpan two pills, and went into the pharmacy with all his heart to prepare the prescription.

Han Shushu calmly prepared the antidote in the Imperial Hospital. After Nangong found all the officials and guards who had been in contact with the Lu Court, he isolated everyone, and then hurried to the Imperial Hospital.

At the same time, he also saw Chu Mubai rushing to Tai Hospital.

"Your Majesty, I can't help it. This epidemic is overbearing and the onset is rapid. Even if the Emperor enters, there is no way to help."

Seeing that Chu Mubai was about to enter the imperial hospital, Chu Yun hurriedly stopped him.

The Tai Hospital has been surrounded by the Imperial Forest Corps and is in a state of embarrassment.

And Chu Mubai's status is so noble, how could he enter and seek his own death?
It is said that the outbreak of this epidemic is rapid, and hundreds of people have died outside the palace, so we can know that this epidemic is cruel.

If the epidemic is not handled well this time, the whole country of Southern Chu will become chaotic.

"I have a measure." Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yun coldly.

Chu Yun only felt the chill, and the chill around him was overwhelming.

He was most afraid of such a master, with a thick and icy breath, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

"The humble position cannot put the emperor in danger, the emperor please think twice!" Chu Yun knelt down in front of Chu Mubai.

Seeing this, other officials knelt down at the same time: "Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

At this time Nangong stepped forward, cupped his hands to Chu Mubai and said, "Your Majesty, I am entering the Imperial Hospital. With my minister here, I will definitely keep you safe. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Chu Mubai glanced at Nangong lightly, but didn't make a sound.

When everyone calmed down, Chu Mubai was no longer in sight.

Chu Yun knew that the situation was over.

After all, with Chu Mubai's martial arts, if he wants to enter the Imperial Hospital, who can stop him?
It's just that he didn't expect that Chu Mubai hadn't remembered Han Shushu, and was willing to take risks for her.At this point, he didn't know whether to rejoice or lament.

Nangong never expected Chu Mubai to be so decisive.

For a while, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and for the first time he had respect for Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai is young and promising, courageous and courageous, he is definitely a rare and good emperor.

The most important thing is that he has affection and righteousness for Xiao Shu, even if he can't remember the details about Xiao Shu.When his life is at stake, he will still take risks for Xiao Shu.

I have to say that Xiao Shu has a good eye for picking men.

"Chu Yun, don't go in and cause trouble, just stay outside the Tai Hospital." Nangong stopped Chu Yun, then entered the Tai Hospital, and closed the gate of the Tai Hospital.

Chu Yun stood outside the imperial hospital in a daze, seeing two men willing to sacrifice their lives for Han Shushu, he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

Han Shushu was dispensing medicine in the medicine room, until someone blocked her light, she blinked her dry eyes lightly, and looked up at him.

The man stood with the backlight, tall and slender, standing in front of her like a god, blocking the light in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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