The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1236 This big bowl of vinegar is dry!

Chapter 1236 This big bowl of vinegar is dry! (2)

To love someone may not necessarily be to obtain or possess, as long as she can live happily, why should he care if he is the one who will stand by her side in the end?
Chu Mubai can bring happiness to Xiaoshu, and the current Chu Mubai is strong enough to protect Xiaoshu from any harm.

If they can escape this time, maybe he can let go of the obsession in his heart.

"I don't understand why you people don't care about your own life and death so much. As long as you live, you have hope. Why don't you live well? It's really a disease of your mind to go on the road knowing that there is no end ahead." Han Shushu said, He took the medicine and walked out of the medicine room, just because he didn't want to see Chu Mubai's face.

She never wanted to drag him down, but he was dragged into the quagmire by herself many times.

She felt more and more that she was Chu Mubai's disaster, which was not a good feeling at all.

When she walked out of the medicine room, she found that the rain had stopped, and the rain-washed scenery around her looked extraordinarily fresh and charming.

The wind is slightly moist, and the smell of soil is lingering in the nose.

It is already autumn, and after the rain, the weather is much cooler again.The autumn scenery that should have been decadent, but at this moment, after being nourished by the autumn rain, it looks extraordinarily vibrant and bright.

Han Shushu grinned happily, and suddenly felt that life was full of hope, and she shouldn't be too decadent.

Maybe she can escape this time.

Even Chu Mubai once told her that she is a blessed child who can always turn bad luck into good luck, and I believe this time is no exception.

She happily stepped down the steps, but her legs suddenly became weak, and she knelt down on the ground weakly, dizzy.

Nangong rushed to her in the next moment and helped her up: "Xiao Shu, are you okay?"

"I'm a little dizzy, it's okay." Han Shushu struggled to get up.

Subconsciously, she looked back at the medicine room, only to see Chu Mubai maintaining the original sitting posture, but her cold gaze was fixed on her.

I don't know what that person is thinking...

"Nangong, stay away from me, this virus spreads too fast, I'm afraid you will be infected soon." Han Shushu wanted to break free from Nangong's support, but he couldn't do it at all.

It seems that her illness has worsened.

"Since I came in, I already expected that this disease would not be cured. You are weak, rest first, and I will adjust the medicine. You just sit aside and watch me adjust the medicine. If you have any good ideas, you can tell me in time." Nangong gently Pat off the mud on Han Shu's dress.

Then he hugged her aside and found a clean bamboo chair for her to sit on.

After Han Shushu sat down, he felt drowsy.

Illness comes like a mountain, and it really is the truth.Now she is weak all over, her bones are sore, and she is faintly nauseous. Even if she breathes harder, she can feel pain in all parts of her body.

It feels a bit like a stomach flu.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, looked at Nangong, and said with burning eyes: "The symptoms of this epidemic are not only like plague, but also a bit like stomach flu. Artemisia annua has an inhibitory effect on this disease. Nangong, if this is combined with the medicine for stomach problems, Will it work?"

Nangong chuckled and nodded: "Go ahead and try, I can just use you to test the medicine."

Half an hour later, Han Shushu was a little discouraged, because the medicine prepared by Nangong had no effect after drinking it.

Even Nangong had symptoms of the disease.

With every minute that passes, their condition gets worse.

Just when she was discouraged, Doctor Chen staggered to the courtyard in front of the pharmacy and said to Han Shushu: "Lord Han, my lord, Lord Lu has already gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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