Chapter 1242 Lou Jinghong (1)

Could it be that Qin Ruyu said something right and wrong in front of Chu Mubai, which made Chu Mubai lose his composure like this?
Wanxin ordered someone to deal with the mess in the room, while Chu Yun stood in front of Chu Mubai, waiting for orders.

"Han Aiqing seems to be living happily outside the palace." After a long time, Chu Mubai opened his mouth calmly.

Chu Yun was taken aback, and hurriedly replied: "I saw the girl in the suburbs of Beijing during the day today. The girl was so busy that she looked very tired. If it wasn't for the fear of spreading the disease to the little prince, the girl must have returned to the palace early. Accompanying the emperor."

After spending a long time with Chu Mubai, no matter how stupid he is, he can figure out what Mubai is thinking.

Didn't it just miss Han Shushu, and Qin Ruyu added fuel to Chu Mubai's jealousy, the emperor, who was always cold and lustful, became jealous.

That's why there was the scene of going crazy before.

"What time is it?" Chu Mubai's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Chu Yun.

Chu Yun hurriedly replied: "It's almost Haishi, it's still early!"

In fact, it's getting late, Chu Mubai will go to court early tomorrow, if he goes out of the palace to see Han Shushu now, he may not get enough sleep.

However, he dared not say these words.

His master must have wanted to see Han Shushu, and he didn't want Han Shushu and Nangong to get involved, so he asked this question.

The truth is not that Chu Yun thinks too much.

Chu Mubai lightly dropped the word "out of the palace", and Chu Yun hurriedly followed behind Chu Mubai, using lightness kung fu to go to Xiaoyao Palace.

Unexpectedly, when he was born in Prince Xiaoyao's mansion, Chu Mubai did not directly enter the room, but performed his outstanding lightness kung fu and sneaked into Prince Xiaoyao's mansion silently, just like a thief.

Before approaching the main garden, Han Shushu and Nangong could be heard talking from a distance.

"Xiao Shu, rest earlier. I see that you haven't closed your eyes very much these two days. You just recovered from a serious illness. You have to take care of your body." Nangong looked at Han Shushu intently.

Her face was thin and haggard, and her previously rosy face was now a little pale.

She was born petite and exquisite, but now it seems that even a gust of wind can blow her down.

"I know, you should also rest early. As long as the epidemic is under control and it doesn't spread, this is the greatest progress. Then as long as all the sick patients are cured, there will be no more worries." Han Shushu whispered back , the voice couldn't hide the tiredness.

"Go into the house and rest. If you need anything, just send someone to notify me." Nangong smiled gently at Han Shushu.

Han Shushu smiled back at him before entering the room.

After Nangong left, a maid came in to help her prepare for her bath.

Nangong thoughtfully prepared a medicinal bath, she soaked in the tub, and sighed contentedly, it was so comfortable, she was really exhausted these days.

She was enjoying the comfort of taking a bath with her eyes closed, when she suddenly felt someone peeking at her.

She opened her eyes wide, quickly wrapped her clothes, and rushed out of the room.

It was pitch black outside, and there was no one there.

Apart from Nangong, she couldn't think of anyone else who was so powerful and could come and go without a sound.

Isn't Nangong a petty person who will peep at her in the bath, or is she too caring?
She turned around again suspiciously, but still couldn't find anything suspicious, and then turned back into the room.

After Han Shushu entered the room, Chu Mubai walked out of the night.

This woman is also vigilant, she can detect someone peeping at the first time, yes, she is not too stupid.

He was also relieved.

What flashed before her eyes were her icy and snowy muscles, her slightly raised breasts, her delicate collarbone, and her bright red lips...

(End of this chapter)

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