The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1254 The Lord of Xuantian City

Chapter 1254 The Lord of Xuantian City (5)

She winked at him like this, why did he still sit still like an old monk, without any feedback?

Wasn't he very enthusiastic about her before?
But yes, at that time he was sick and suspicious.The current Chu Mubai is considered normal. Chu Mubai who has never met Han Shushu or fell in love with Han Shushu has this cold appearance.

This is good, but it seems very bad.

The bad thing is that it proves that she has no femininity.

It's hard to kiss Chu Mubai's lips now, let alone sleep on his dragon body.

Thinking of this, Han Shushu was distracted and did not dare to act, because he was afraid that he would be too bold and scare Chu Mubai away.


She couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and suddenly felt that the taste of these dishes was not very good.

Hearing the sound, Chu Mubai finally looked at Han Shushu, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Han Shushu stared straight at Chu Mubai's Qingjun face, she opened her mouth, and finally let out a long sigh: "It's nothing, let's eat."

Forget it, the future is long, so don't be too impatient.

Now that Chu Mubai finally got closer to her, if he knew how dirty she was, he might be scared away by her.

So, still be more prudent and reserved.

Men in ancient times like this type of woman, she must study hard and strive to take down Chu Mubai's dragon body as soon as possible!

With a decision, she smiled again.

Chu Mubai saw clearly from the side.

He only felt that the girl's mood changed very quickly, she was sighing before, but after a while she was smiling, and wanted to get into her heart and see what she was thinking.

After lunch, Han Shushu put down his bowl and chopsticks, grabbed Xiaocao and ran away.

Seeing her furious appearance, Chu Mubai raised his lips to remind: "Run slower, no one is chasing you!"

She is the child's mother, why is she still acting like a child?There is no reserve that a daughter's family should have.

Which family's lady would walk and run like her?

"Okay, long-winded." Han Shushu replied without sincerity, grabbed Xiaocao and ran to a place where no one was around.

Chu Mubai watched Han Shushu's flying skirt gradually disappear, feeling a little disappointed.

He looked at Chu Yun and asked, "Is that girl like this before?"

"Young lady's virtue is as good as it is, the emperor is used to it." Chu Yun replied quickly.

As a result, Chu Mubai looked at him coldly, and he immediately knew that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly added: "The humble position means that the girl is innocent, smart, cute, and lively, which makes the emperor want to stop."

Anyway, all the shortcomings of Han Shushu are the best advantages in Chu Mubai's eyes.

This is probably the so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Because of liking, all the shortcomings of the other party have become advantages.

"That's true, she is really innocent." Chu Mubai said, with a rare tenderness in his eyes.

Chu Yun didn't think so, but could only laugh along with him.

As for Xiaocao being dragged to the back garden by Han Shushu, when there was no one around, Han Shushu could only torture him to extract a confession, Xiaocao still refused to say a word.

Seeing this, Han Shushu didn't ask any more questions, and said with a sneer, "I know if you don't tell me, Chu Yun slept with you!"

Xiaocao widened her eyes when she heard this, and said in a low voice, "You, don't talk nonsense, it's nothing."

"Even if he didn't sleep, he must have kissed. Did he make a mistake after drinking? Looking at him like that, he probably doesn't remember what he did to you, right?" Han Shushu said coldly.

Xiaocao lowered her head, and finally nodded silently.

(End of this chapter)

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