The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1259 Is this happiness really good?

Chapter 1259 Is this happiness really good (2)

Han Shushu poked his head outside Shuzhai, not knowing what Chu Mubai was doing in Shuzhai.

"The emperor has an order to review the memorial, and the girl should not quarrel with the emperor." When Chu Yun was speaking, he glanced at Xiaocao who was reading a book with Yuan Bao.

When Han Shushu heard that he was reviewing the memorial, he didn't dare to mess around anymore.

She was about to leave Shuzhai, when the door opened, and Chu Mubai was standing at the door with fluttering clothes.

At this moment, she seemed to see the moment when she first saw Chu Mubai.

At that time, he was also so cold-eyed, as if everything in the world could not be seen by him, but he made the world curtsey to him.

He has such a domineering aura that makes people bow down for him.

"Bundle, come in."

After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he went back indoors.

Han Shushu happily ran into the room, and she followed Chu Mubai and asked, "If you are busy with business, I won't bother you. I will cook later, and you can order whatever you want... ..."

She was chattering on and on, when Chu Mubai suddenly handed her a small noodle man.

She stared blankly, "This is?"

"I made it, don't you like it?" Chu Mubai said, stuffing the little noodle man into Han Shushu's hand.

Han Shushu looked at the little face man, and found that the face of the little face man was very similar to himself, and the smile of the little face man was also very familiar, very much like her.

This little noodle man is more vivid than the little noodle man she photographed on the street...

"Thirteen..." She looked at Chu Mubai absent-mindedly, not knowing what to say.

It turned out that he avoided seeing her all afternoon just to make this little doughnut for her.

Why is this person like this?

"Although I don't remember the details with you before, but I know you are very good, I shouldn't forget those things..."

Before Chu Mu finished his vernacular, Han Shushu had already thrown himself into his arms, hugged his waist tightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's not your fault. It's my fault. In fact, I dragged you down."

If it weren't for her, Chu Mubai wouldn't get sick either.

In order to help him heal, he had to remove her from his life.

Even so, he cared about her feelings.

For such an ordinary girl, did she have to spend all her luck to meet such a perfect man?

"You're talking stupid again." Chu Mubai hugged the soft body of the woman in his arms.

The intention was to see her smile, but he didn't want to make her cry again.

He thought she would like little noodles, so he made one for her.After all, it is not difficult to do these things at all, he just wants her to be happy and follow him around without any worries.

Han Shushu took a deep breath, forcing back the tears in his eyes.

She got out of Chu Mubai's warm embrace: "I'll cook, you order. I'm in a good mood today, so it's no problem to cook eight or ten dishes."

"Let Xiaocao cook and Wanxin cook, you don't have to do it. If your hands are hurt, it won't look good." Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu's green fingers.

These hands are extremely beautiful, and he doesn't want them to be coolies.

"No, I want to do—"

"My words are imperial orders!" Chu Mubai interrupted Han Shushu.

Han Shushu tightened his lips and looked at Chu Mubai resentfully.

She also wanted to do something for him, but he refused.

Shit imperial decree, she can do it herself, he can't see it anyway.

Thinking of this, she threw away Chu Mubai, went out of Shuzhai by herself, and planned to go to the kitchen to get busy.

She just entered the kitchen, and soon a bunch of people followed.

Wanxin and Qingxin attacked at the same time and drove her out of the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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