Chapter 1266

Han Shushu didn't dare to say anything, and after putting Yuanbao to sleep, she also fell asleep obediently.

Chu Mubai closed the window, turned back to the bed, and found that the woman who had been restless just now fell asleep peacefully.

Before a thunderbolt came down and struck her, he thought she had been struck by lightning, but at that time he only felt her heart skip a beat, and her palms were sweating.

He was not afraid of anything in this life, but at that moment just now, he was afraid of losing her.

I'm afraid that she will be struck to death by lightning, and I won't be able to see her beautiful smile and hear her chattering in the future.

After watching Han Shushu's peaceful sleeping face for a while, he went to the desk and continued to review the unfinished memorials.

Han Shushu was suffocated again after an hour and a half because he drank too much soup.

When she came back from the toilet, she saw that Chu Mubai was still reviewing the memorial, and felt sorry for him staying up late.

It was raining and the temperature dropped again. She picked up a coat and put it on behind him, and asked in a low voice: "Is there more? Is there anything I can do to help?"

She hoped to share his worries and relieve his labors.

"Go to sleep." Chu Mubai just glanced at her coldly, with his usual coffin face.

No matter how good-looking she is, this temper is really bad.

Even so, Han Shushu couldn't bear to be angry, she quickly kissed Chu Mubai's face, and then got back under the covers.

Chu Mubai turned his head to look in the direction of the bed, and couldn't help touching his face.

There is still the soft touch of her lips, I don't know what it will be like to really kiss?
After a long time, Chu Mubai regained his composure and continued to review the memorial.

On the other side, the palace.

The wind and rain were swaying, and the whistling wind carried rain, constantly falling from the sky.

The rain fell down the eaves, and some splashed on An Sujing's exquisitely embroidered shoes.

At the moment when she was dazed, Qin Ruyu was about to come and stood in front of her.

Seeing that An Sujing remained silent, Qin Ruyu broke the silence with a cold voice: "Han Shu is so desperate that even God is helping her. She didn't die this time, and next time I want to kill her without leaving a trace, it will be even more difficult. Do you have any idea?"

"My idea is that since God is helping her, it proves that we can't touch her. So, why bother?"

An Sujing replied calmly: "From now on, don't come to see me if you have nothing to do. I will not see you for free."

"Did you take some wrong medicine?" Qin Ruyu looked at An Sujing coldly.

This woman had been working hand in hand with her before, why did this woman not want to kill Han Shushu in the blink of an eye?

She said a lot of bad things about Han Shushu in front of Chu Mubai last night, thinking that she could drive Chu Mubai and Han Shushu apart.

How did he know that Chu Mubai left the palace early in the morning, just looking for Han Shushu, but he still lived in the South Courtyard with Han Shushu, and he didn't even return to the palace.

Chu Mubai is too scheming and cannot easily shake his mind.

Last night he quietly heard her say so many things about Han Shushu, but he just used her mouth to inquire about Han Shushu's past.

She was even more sure that Han Shushu couldn't keep this woman.

Otherwise, she would have no chance to get close to Chu Mubai.

Now she really wants to be Chu Mubai's woman, climb onto Chu Mubai's couch, give birth to a prince for him, and be his queen.

She wants power, and she also wants Chu Mubai, and only Chu Mubai can give her these.

"I'm tired, I'll go back to the palace to rest for now, let's talk about it later." An Sujing left these words and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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