Chapter 1268

Usually at this time of day, there are already people on duty at the Tai Hospital, so why is it the opposite today?

Han Shushu didn't think any more, and directly picked up Xiao Louzi's trousers. When she saw more than a dozen large and small wounds on it, her eyes darkened slightly: "Are these people too cruel?"

"The slave is a newcomer. It is inevitable that he will be bullied when he first enters the palace. It's okay." Lou Jinghong's gaze was fixed on Han Shushu's slightly exposed jade neck, and he suddenly felt a little itchy.

"It's all hurt like this, it's okay." Han Shushu groped around Lou Jinghong's ankle, and said in a low voice, "Your feet are also weepy, please bear with it!"

As soon as she exerted her strength, she straightened Lou Jinghong's dislocation.

"The slave is such a lowly life, the girl really doesn't need to treat the slave herself." Lou Jinghong laughed at himself in a low voice, watching Han Shushu squatting in front of him intently, helping him to apply the wound.

In fact, such a small injury is not enough.

Han Shushu looked up at the eunuch in front of him, and said coldly: "If you feel that your life is cheap, how can others value your life? You don't need to be arrogant, even an eunuch may stand out. one day."

She was applying wound medicine to his leg, but found that there were dense scars all over Xiao Louzi's leg.

Some looked like burn marks, others like scars from knives, and still others like scars from a whip with a toothed saw.

And looking at these scars, they have been aged.

"Does it hurt?" Han Shushu's heart suddenly softened.

Suddenly, I felt that it was a miracle that this person survived. After all, it was not easy to survive such inhuman torture.Not just luck, but also tenacious willpower.

Lou Jinghong followed Han Shushu's line of sight and realized that Han Shushu was asking about his old wounds.

"It doesn't hurt." Lou Jinghong frowned.

Was this woman pitying him?
He doesn't need anyone's sympathy and pity.

So, the benevolence of this beautiful woman! !
Han Shushu wanted to rub some more medicine for Xiao Louzi, but Xiao Louzi put down his trousers and said, "Miss Xie just helped you out of righteousness, so Xiao Louzi won't bother you. Let me go."

Lou Jinghong turned around and was about to leave, but Han Shushu stopped him and said, "Wait, I'll give you some wound medicine. Also, this stuff is good, it can relieve pain."

When Lou Jinghong saw what was in his hand, his brows furrowed slightly. Isn't this gel cream?
Han Shushu is willing to give him such a valuable thing?

"Maybe it will also have some effect on your old troubles, you can try it." Han Shushu said a few words, and looked at him with a little more pity.

It is hard to imagine that the eunuch in front of him was born so tall, but experienced inhuman torture when he was a child.

It is a miracle that such a person can survive, it is not easy.

She had sympathy for the man, and respect.

Lou Jinghong tightened the medicine in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Thank you girl."

"If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me. I will be in the Tai Hospital during the day." Han Shushu lifted his lips and smiled.

Looking at the bright smiling face under the scorching sun, Lou Jinghong realized for the first time that someone can smile so warmly.

When everyone saw him, there was only fear. No one had ever dared to smile at him. This was the first time someone smiled at him so offhandedly.

Before Han Shushu, there were court ladies who saw him being beaten, but none of them dared to stop him.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that this was very boring.

(End of this chapter)

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