Chapter 1271

Qin Ruyu's eyes suddenly became ruthless.

Now that she wants Chu Mubai, Han Shushu is still just her defeated opponent.

She will completely destroy Han Shushu, and make Chu Mubai no longer interested in Han Shushu!

Xiao Zhu tremblingly stepped forward to sweep away the mess, not daring to disturb Qin Ruyu.

She had just tidied up and was about to get up when Qin Ruyu suddenly grabbed her by the collar and gave her two slaps hard.

Xiaozhu was dizzy from the beating, her face was red and swollen, but she didn't dare to speak.

"Bad maid!!" Qin Ruyu was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, and slapped Xiaozhu a few more times to vent his anger.

Xiaozhu dared not speak out, she only thought that this woman Qin Ruyu was crazy.

The other court ladies who were far away were glad that Qin Ruyu didn't see them, but the next moment, Qin Ruyu rushed over, punched and kicked them when he caught them, and all the palace people knelt on the ground for a while, letting Qin Ruyu kick and vent their anger .

Recently, Qin Ruyu has become more and more insane, and his attacks have become more and more vicious.

Last night, there was another palace official who offended Qin Ruyu for some unknown reason and got a broken hand bone.

It's just that they dare not speak out about these things, otherwise, according to Qin Ruyu's viciousness, he will definitely kill them...

Yincui Palace was filled with black smoke, and after Han Shushu left Yincui Palace, he went to the entrance of the Imperial Hospital, and saw Wanxin waiting outside the door.

Seeing her coming back, Wanxin immediately went forward to meet her, smiling obsequiously: "Miss, the Emperor is pleased."

"Is there anything Shisan can do with me?" Han Shushu asked in a low voice.

"The emperor said that the girl has contributed the most to curing the epidemic, and he wants to reward the girl. The emperor is waiting for the girl in the Hall of Mental Cultivation." Wanxin led the way, smiling all over her face.

Han Shushu was about to follow, but she caught a glimpse of a shambling figure not far away, it was Xiao Louzi she had only seen this morning.

"Wanxin, wait a moment." Han Shushu said to Wanxin.

But when she turned around again, Xiao Louzi was nowhere to be seen.

She frowned.

Strange, wasn't it not far away just now?

"What's wrong?" Wanxin asked curiously seeing Han Shushu's expression was different.

Han Shushu shook his head and followed Wanxin to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After going to the dining room, when she saw a table of dishes, she leaned forward and took a closer look: "Is this another dish made by the emperor?"

Good guy, isn't Thirteen too smart?
His sword-holding hand is actually unambiguous with a kitchen knife. What else does this person not know?

A full-featured man, Han Shushu, a useless woman, what can match Chu Mubai?
She remembered what Qin Ruyu said before.

She has reservations about Qin Ruyu's words.That woman was scheming, and she was probably just bluffing her.

But she also knows about the disease of split personality, and it is not so easy to completely cure it.

In fact, she didn't dare to take risks, and she didn't dare to be too radical.

Now it's good that she can be by Chu Mubai's side.They both have a sincere heart for each other, but they don't need to think about everything in the past.

Seeing that Han Shushu was in a daze, Chu Mubai simply pulled her to sit down and added a large bowl of tonic soup made from precious medicinal materials: "You are weak and sick, so you need to nourish your body. I just happen to be free, so I will make it myself." Yes. Don’t you like it? Eat more.”

Han Shushu took two mouthfuls with his head buried, and then put down the bowl and chopsticks: "Maybe it's because I ate too much of the dishes made by the emperor, and I think the taste is mediocre."

She hoped that Chu Mubai would stop cooking with his own hands in the future, and he didn't need to waste so much time and energy for her.

(End of this chapter)

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