Chapter 1281 Refusing to serve the bed (1)

Thinking about it, Chu Mubai also took a bath here before that, and Han Shushu immediately felt that he was taking a bath with Chu Mubai.

This is also a kind of intimate contact, she likes it!
She washed herself happily, and when she turned around and was about to go to the bath, she saw the maid who had stared at her just behind her silently.The man-eating eyes made her vigilant.

She said softly, "What did you come in without my order?"

"This is the clothes sent by the emperor, Mr. Han can change after washing." The maid said in a low voice with a gloomy expression.

Not every woman is Han Shushu, she knows it.

If you want to save your life, you can't make Han Shushu angry, even if she hates Han Shushu, she can't break the rules.

Han Shushu saw the dejection on the maid's face, she watched the maid go away, then got up and put on the new dress.

Putting on that thin and sheer plain long yarn, just like this kind of clothes, wearing them is equivalent to not wearing them.

What does the surname Chu mean?
Recalling that in ancient times, when concubines and concubines were going to bed, they were always taken to the dragon couch naked.

Does Chu Mubai want her to sleep with her tonight?

This realization made Han Shushu terrified.

When it's over, Chu Mubai wants her to sleep with her, so should she refuse to do so?

Hesitating to come and go, Han Shushu still couldn't make up his mind, so he thought about changing into his own clothes first.

Han Shushu turned around and was looking for his clothes. After searching for a while, he couldn't find anything.

There is no doubt that her clothes were taken away by the maid just now.

"Come here!!" Han Shushu didn't dare to run out like this.

Walking out dressed like this, it's embarrassing.

The maid who delivered the clothes just now ran in quickly: "What orders does Mr. Han have?"

"What's your name? Where did you throw my dress, bring it back to me!" Han Shushu looked at the maid in shame and annoyance and shouted.

The maid raised her head arrogantly: "I believe you. As for Mr. Han's clothes, they have been thrown away. Now that Mr. Han has washed it, it's time to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation..."

"Serve your fucking bastard, return my clothes, or I will let the emperor kill your nine clans!!" Han Shushu was furious.

Was it because the surname Chu humiliated her just because she said a wrong sentence just now?
She doesn't want to sleep in like this, it's too shameful.

Xin'er laughed when he heard Han Shushu's words: "Master Han has already decided that he can gossip in front of the emperor before he officially attends bed—"

Han Shushu slapped Xin'er hard, and said, "I'll hit you today, what's the matter?!"

With a brisk dodge, she got behind Xin'er, and she slapped the back of Xin'er's neck with her palm.

Xin'er felt severe pain in the back of her neck, and she looked at Han Shushu in disbelief: "You, you dare to kill people..."

"I'm not interested in your life, just sleep well." Han Shushu laughed while talking, approaching Xin'er with a malicious smile: "Little boy, fight with me?"

As long as the opponent is not Chu Mubai, she is not afraid.

After Xin'er fell into a coma, she quickly stripped off Xin'er's clothes and changed them herself.

She felt that there must be a bunch of people guarding outside the elegant bathing pool, and those people would definitely carry her into the Hall of Nourishing Mind for that kind of so-called sleep service that is not nutritious.

She is not happy today, so she won't go to bed, what can Chu do with her?

With a plan in mind, she let down her long hair, covered half of her face, dressed up as Xin'er, and walked out of the Ya bath in a grand manner.

(End of this chapter)

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